Stranded: Part 1 [Vyeon]

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Nayeon whines, "Yah! I told you I don't trust google maps! I can find it myself." Jihyo yells back, "Why are you yelling at me? The party started 30 minutes ago!" Nayeon chuckles, "Jihyo, it's called being fashionably late. I don't want to be one of those losers who show up on time." Jihyo pouts, "I showed up on time." 

Nayeon smiles, "Exactly!" Jihyo scoffs, "Fine! Get lost for all I care! We're partying without you." Nayeon giggles, "The party hasn't even started. It starts when I get there." Jihyo hangs up on the phone and Nayeon focuses back on the road. 

To her luck, she got even more lost because she wasn't paying attention to where she was going when she was on the phone with Jihyo. She looks around to see no lights and only a lame excuse of a road extending out.

Nayeon scoffs and glances at her phone. She tries to use a GPS or Google Maps but she has no signal. She groans and yells, "I just called Jihyo why don't I have signal!" She rakes her hair back as he face starts fuming with anger. She looks behind her car to see that same road extend for hours. She whispers, "How did I even get here?" 

She brings her phone out again waiting for a single bar to pop up, once she has a signal then she can search it up. But it's not use, after 30 minutes of nothing she starts to cry in frustration. 

Nayeon whines, "What the hell!? Why is this happening to me? I just wanted to go on a party with my friends before I go back to school! Why now!? Why does the world-" 

"Excuse me?" 


Nayeon drops her phone and screeches as the deep voice comes out of nowhere. She turns around and yells, "STAY BACK!" 

The guy says politely, "Excuse me, ma'am? Are you lost?" Nayeon fixes her posture and stares at the man standing with an oil lantern in his hand. Nayeon nods her head still shocked and he says, "Well, you won't be leaving anytime soon. There's no street lights for miles and the road isn't the safest to drive in the dark." 

Nayeon stays quiet and asks, "Why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?" The guy smiles, "Oh, my farm is not too far from here. I thought it was suspicious a car randomly parked in my front lawn." She whispers, "F-farm?" 

He points his lantern and says, "You can't see it from here but my house is that way and the barn is that way. Taxis usually don't go this far so why don't you stay with me for the meantime then I can lead you back to the city tomorrow morning." 

Nayeon whispers, "What if he's a pervert trying to kidnap me?" The man suddenly smiles, "Oh right, you could think that." She blushes as her whisper was in by no means quiet. 

The guy shows both his hands to her and says, "Here, I'll walk in front of you and one of my hands will hold the lantern while the other will be behind my back. If that makes you feel more comfortable?" She nods her head and the man introduces, "I'm Kim Taehyung."

Nayeon stays quiet and he keeps that same smile, "It's okay, you don't need to introduce yourself. Let's go before the hyenas come out." Her eyes widen, "What? Why are there hyenas here?" 

Taehyung smiles, "Don't know, you can ask them yourself or you can come follow me." She immediately runs behind him and he smiles, "Lock your cars before the raccoons steal it." Nayeon unknowingly locks her car without comprehending the sentence he just said. 

Taehyung chuckles and Nayeon starts to realize what's going on. She smacks his back, "Yah, are you messing with me?" Taehyung takes the hit and playfully laughs, "You really never been to the rural areas in Korea?" She shakes her head and Taehyung starts walking. 

As they walk he says, "Well first of all, raccoons cannot drive. Second, there are no hyenas in Korea nor is there anything near miles that can kill you. I can say that mosquitoes are a big pain but other than that, you're safe."

BangTwice Oneshots/ShortStoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora