Panic [VHyun]

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It was their usual BangTwice gathering. They started having dinner together every month and they would usually just hang out and speak their words. This time, it's at a restaurant Jin bought for his parents.

Dahyun came late as she had a schedule beforehand and as she entered the room, everyone applauded as the life of the party just arrive. She smiles brightly and says, "Let's get wasted~~~"

Everyone smiles at her enthusiasm and the drinks start to flow. Dahyun was a heavy drinker which made the night last even longer as the party would usually end when she passes out. She goes around saying her jokes trying to out-joke Jin. To her avail, he never gives up. Her face heats up as she drinks even more.

She soon hears the words that would forever change how she viewed one of her friends.

"Dahyun you're so beautiful~~~"

She freezes int he heat and puts her cup down. Dahyun places a hand on her chest as she feels her heart beat at a rapid pace. She turns to see a very wasted Taehyung staring directly at her. His cheeks have a tint of pink as he lazily makes eye contact with her. She whispers, "He's wasted..."

Taehyung mumbles again, "Wow, Dahyun you're so beautiful~~" She blushes as for some reason his words are getting to her. Maybe its cause she's drunk or he's drunk but the room suddenly warms. Dahyun starts to panic. She'd never seen him as a man but now that he's calling her beautiful, she's fallen in love.

Dahyun takes a bottle of soju and drinks it straight. She says to herself, "I'm crazy. That's the only explanation." She glances at the now sleeping Taehyung and whispers unconsciously, "Crazy for you..."


The next day, they all woke up with heavy hangovers. Dahyun's was the worst as she kept drinking trying to convince herself that this little crush only happened because she was drunk. She runs to the bathroom in such a hurry that she doesn't realize she went into the men's restroom. Dahyun made a b-line towards the toilet stall and quickly threw up.

Taehyung notices Dahyun run in. He glances at her and laughs on the inside, "You're so hungover that you didn't notice you went to the wrong bathroom. Cute." He quickly moves behind her and holds up her hair. Dahyun is too busy vomiting that she doesn't realize Taehyung helping her.

One she calms down, Dahyun slowly turns to see Taehyung. She blushes madly as she stutters, "W-what are you doing in here?" He chuckles and says, "I should be asking you that, we're in the mens restroom."

She looks around and quickly covers her face. Taehyung chuckles, "Relax. I'm the only one here. Plus, the men's bathroom isn't that much different compared to the women's one. It just stinks more and we have wall toilets." Dahyun let's out a small laugh but quickly flinches as she has a massive headache. Taehyung moves his face closer as he says, "We should go eat breakfast." She whispers, "You can go first..."

Taehyung moves away her hand and she whines, "Stop I'm so puffy!" He chuckles, "When did you care about that? It's just us, you don't need to be embarrassed." Her head replays those words.

"Just us..."

Dahyun slowly calms down and Taehyung pinches her cheeks. He laughs and says, "Oh my God! You're so fluffy!" Dahyun blushes and swats his hand away. Taehyung notices her getting embarrassed and takes her hand in his. He places it on his cheek and says, "Go ahead. Pinch my cheeks, I'm also pretty fluffy." Dahyun smiles and uses both her hands to stretch his face.

"Ow, my head!"

The two suddenly freeze. Dahyun questions, "Nayeonie?" The two leave the stall to see Nayeon looking at herself in the mirror. They overhear her, "Wow, you still look pretty."

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