Demon [TaeSana]

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Taehyung hums a song as he strides to the convenience store. It's near midnight but he's too hungry to worry about time. Still feeling grumpy from seeing the empty fridge, he starts walking with heavy steps and an irritated mood.

As he was walking, he accidentally bumps into a woman. Despite being in the worst mood ever, he still apologizes genuinely. Taehyung looks up to her eyes and tries to say something but he's suddenly in a trance. Her eyes had a tint of red and her stare was alluring. Her long hair dropped her shoulders and her plump lips stayed tight.

He gulps. Taehyung's too busy staring into her eyes that he doesn't notice his silence. She just smiles evilly then walks away leaving Taehyung a drooling mess. He suddenly shakes his head and asks, "What just happened?"

Taehyung takes a step forward and starts walking but he suddenly can't remember what he was trying to do.

He ends up going home and jumps on his bed. His eyes are glued to the ceiling and he doesn't know why. He's not tired nor does his body feel fatigued. He was just hungry a few minutes ago and now he feels satisfied. Taehyung tries to shake that weird feeling off but it lingers in his mind. 


Feminine giggles causes him to spring up and look around. Taehyung warns, "Is anyone there?" No reply. 

Taehyung hides himself under his blanket as he feels vulnerable in the cold. He can't sleep. There might be a stalker in his room. She might be there to kill him or worst. He thinks to himself, "These saesengs are getting out of control." 

Before he knew it, he fell asleep. He didn't remember when he fell asleep but he felt the consequence of staying up all night once his alarm goes off. He groans as the annoying buzzing wakes him up at 7 in the morning. 

After crankily washing up and getting dressed, he starts walking to the company building. Taehyung walks with coffee in his hands and his phone in the other. As he walks, he accidentally bumps into a girl which causes him to drop his phone. 

He mentally sighs. He wasn't in the mood for this and this could would probably freak out once she realizes who she just bumped into. 

Taehyung slides down his mask and says, "I'm sorry." The girl just smiles, "It's okay." She hands him his phone and he stares at her confused. 

She asks flustered, "Is there something on my face?" Taehyung shakes his head and says, "Oh sorry about that, I was just lost in my thoughts." He ends it with a slight chortle and she replies with an awkward giggle. 

The girl bows and walks away but he continues to stare at her. Taehyung whispers, "That giggle... she's the one in my room." He says, "Actually, excuse me!" He tries to chase after her but she ignored his call and walks away faster. 

Taehyung grunts and chugs his iced coffee before throwing it in the trash. He runs after her with the thought that she's a saeseng and he has to find out her name so he could report her to his company. 

Taehyung chased the girl for several minutes. He was so focused on her trail that he wasn't aware of his surroundings. He notices her walk into a room and quickly opens the door, "Hey!" 


Taehyung stares around confused as Jimin asks, "Why are you so sweaty? Did you run here?" Taehyung looks around and starts searching around the practice room. Jimin scoffs, "Fine, ignore me." 

Taehyung turns to him, "Did you see a girl walk in here?" Yoongi says, "No. Why would our company let a random girl inside the building." Taehyung looks around, "Company? Wait, how did I get here?" 

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