The Park | [BangTwice]

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BangTwice at a Park

Jihyo glances at Namjoon sitting under a tree and asks, "What are you doing? Do you want to play soccer-" Namjoon places his finger over his lip and Jihyo stops talking. He points at Jeongyeon who fell asleep next to him with her head leaning on his shoulder. 

Jihyo remains quiet and Namjoon smiles at her then whispers, "I'm sure they'll have fun without me." She whispers, "I can find a cushion and a blanket for her in the van if you're uncomfortable." He smiles, "No, I don't mind." Jihyo stares at him weirdly and whispers, "It's your loss." 

Jihyo then approaches Momo and Hoseok seeing them glare at a separate tree. Jihyo smiles, "Hey guys, we need a few more people to play soccer and I-" Hoseok interrupts, "Sorry Jihyo, we're in a situation here." 

Momo adds, "We were flying a kite and it got stuck." Jihyo says, "I can get a chair or something to stand on so we can-" Momo interrupts, "No, that's not our problem." Jihyo asks, "Then what is?" Hoseok says, "We tried using Boo to get it but now he's stuck on the tree." 

Jihyo's eyes widen and she says, "Maybe we can get some help, it sounds dangerous." Momo shakes her head, "We tried getting help but Dahyun got stuck up there too." Jihyo gasps, "What? Why did you call Dahyun?" Hoseok says, "She wasn't doing anything and she wanted to help so we let her." 

Jihyo turns to the tree and asks, "Dahyun! Are you okay up there?" Dahyun says with a shaky voice, "Y-yeah! Boo is keeping me company and the view is really nice!" Jihyo asks, "Can you really not get down?" Dahyun sniffs loudly pretending like she's crying and says, "Yeah... If I don't make it out tell Sana I love her and tell my bro that I'll miss her!" 

Momo plays along and yells, "No~~~ We'll get you down! Don't give up!" Hoseok cheers, "Stay strong! Boo will protect you up there!" 

Jihyo sighs and says, "Dahyun, seriously, don't get hurt. It's just a kite, you don't have to break your bones for a kite." Dahyun replies, "Yes, ma'am!" Momo says, "What if we drive the car next to the tree and use it to climb up and save them?" Hoseok takes the keys from his pocket and whispers, "It's our only choice..." 

Jihyo stares at them a bit surprised and says, "Hey, you can't drive cars on the grass and this doesn't sound safe at all!" The two were already gone and Jihyo can only say, "Dahyun, make sure they don't do anything stupid." 

No reply. 

Jihyo asks, "Dahyun? Are you there?" Suddenly a voice behind her says, "Yeah, I'm here." Jihyo jumps and glances at Dahyun who's holding Boo in her hands. Jihyo stutters, "H-how did-" Dahyun says, "It wasn't that high."

Boo then runs off Dahyun's hands and she runs after him. Jihyo pouts and walks to another couple. 

Jihyo smiles, "Hey, do you guys want to join us for a game of soccer? We need a few more people." 

Nayeon replies, "But we'll get sweaty." Jihyo says, "Yeah, it's fun. I promise." Nayeon adds, "But we wanted to take pictures and there's a lot of good spots here. We'll join you once we're done." 

Jihyo asks, "How long will you guys take?" Jin replies with the camera in his hand, "Not sure, we won't be done for a while... maybe an hour?" Jihyo pouts, "An hour?" 

Jin says, "Well, we saw some good spots on our way here and we might find more when we walk around." Jihyo asks, "Why do you have to take so many pictures?" Nayeon smiles, "It's our thing. When you're the two most photogenic people in the world, you have to take advantage of it and take as many pictures as you want." 

Jihyo rolls her eyes and Jin adds, "Maybe we can take some action shots later when we play soccer." Nayeon adds, "Like those sports magazines! I always wanted to do them but I'm not athletic at all." Jin says, "Ooh, maybe we can get some food too and pretend we're filming commercials." 

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