Chapter 20

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Konohamaru: Hey, Big Brother Naruto!!

Naruto: Konohamaru?! What are you doing here?!

Konohamaru and Boruto explain everything to Naruto and he remembers everything that had happened and he remembers Boruto.

Naruto: Oh, so why did you want to look for me?

Boruto: Cuz I want to tell you something!

Naruto: Well, your going to have to wait.

Boruto & Konohamaru: What?! Why?!

Naruto: Its because I am a Shadow Clone, the real me is trying to find Madara and fight him.

Boruto: Madara?

Naruto: We can't go into full details now. 

Konohamaru: And why is that?

After Konohamaru said that, a kunia had been thrown at them, but luckily they dodged them.

Mangetsu: Did you really forget about me? Or do your memories magically fade away?

Naruto: Nah, you were just hiding the whole time.

Mangetsu: What?

2 Shadow Clones hit Mangetsu with Rasengans. Mangetsu tried to transform his body into water, but he was caught in the seal.

As soon as they thought it was over, the seal began to turn soggy. 

Mangetsu: What's going on?! I can't move or fe-

Kabuto: I'll be taking over his body for now.

Kakashi: Kabuto has taken full control over his body. Everyone get ready!

But instead of attacking, Kabuto put Mangetsus' body back in the capsule.

Kabuto: I'll just save this pawn for when I really need it.

He was now gone.

Everyone was confused, but glad they didn't have to battle him.

Naruto: Oh, come on! All I did was hit him with a Rasengan and he did nothing! No fight or anything

Boruto, Konohamaru, and Naruto argue about why didn't they have a fight.

Kakashi's thought: *sighs* I hate to say it, but I wish Sakura was here.

Kakashi: Alright, alright, enough of that. We have to focus on the other battles, remember?

Naruto: Right.

Kakashi: Alright, everyone, we have to find a Sensory Unit, contact HQ, and tell them about Kabuto.

#Shinobi 1: But sir, we have no idea where one might be.

All the shinobi starts talking about it.

Kakashi: Alright, she's right. We have no idea where, but thats why we have to split up.

#Shinobi 2: Split up?

#Shinobi 3: I guess we can cover more ground that way.

#Shinobi 4: Yeah, but what if we get attacked by those white things or a reanimated person?

Naruto: Kakashi sensei?

Kakashi: Yeah, what is it?

Naruto: Will they be in groups? If so, how many? Also how many people will be in each group?

Kakashi: Since there are only 52 of us, so there will be 9 groups. 5 people in each group. 

Naruto, Boruto, and Konohamaru make 9 Shadow Clones each.

Konohamaru: Looks like there will be 8 people in each group.

Naruto: Yeah, ya know.

After a while, Kakashi had assigned all the groups.

Kakashi: Alright, Group 1 and 2 head east. Groups 3 and 4, head west. Groups 5 and 6, head north. Group 7 and 8, and 9, you guys will decide which group you want to follow along with.

Groups 1, 2, and 9 head east.
Groups 3, 4, and 7 head west.
Groups 5, 6, and 8 head north.

Boruto: Wait, what group are we supposed to be in?

Konohamaru: Yeah, no group went south.

Kakashi: That's right, we are now a 4-man Squad.

Naruto: 4-man Squad?

Kakashi: Thats right. Now lets go.

They begin to head south.

Well, i hate putting late chapters. It sucks really. Anyway, how ya been?
imma head out now.


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