Chapter 13

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Boruto kept running, but eventually got lost.

Boruto's Thoughts: Damn it, now I have no idea where I am. Luckily, I ran away before they found out our secret.

Boruto kept running and bumped into a guy.

Villager #1: Hey, watch where you going.

Boruto: Sorry.

Boruto ran past one of the Village Gates and hid at a tree near the Village.

Meanwhile with the others.

Naruto and his friends were looking for Boruto all over the Village. Naruto went to tell Tsunade about the situation.

Tsunade: What?! 

Naruto: Yeah, he ran off and we can't seem to find him anywhere. Looks like he really is like me, ya know.

Tsunade: Keep searching, he can't be far from the Village. Otherwise, he'll just be lost in the woods.

Naruto: Right.

Naruto joined back with the group and kept looking for Boruto.

Lee: Any idea where he might be, Naruto?

Naruto: No, I don't.

Kiba was able to sense Boruto.

Kiba: I think I have his scent. Lets go!

Everyone followed Kiba.

Back with Boruto.

??: You seem lonely.

Boruto: Huh? Who is that?

??: Don't you remember the person who brought you here in the first place? 

Boruto now knew who it was.

Boruto: Don't tell me that its you.

Momoshiki and Urashinki had shown up.

Boruto was terrified of the people he saw. He wasn't even able to move.

Urashinki then walked to Boruto.

Urashinki: Your coming with us.

Boruto: No, I'm not!

Boruto then made the sign to do Shadow Clones, but Urashinki knocked out Boruto before he could summon any.

Urashinki picked up Boruto and was about to walk away, but before he could. Naruto and the others had shown up.

Naruto: What do you think your doing with Boruto?!

Momoshiki: Thats none of your business. 

Naruto: It is my business if it involves Boruto!

Kiba: Hey, Naruto, calm down. 

Urashinki: He can't calm down, not since I have this kid.

Lee: What is he saying?

Urashinki: Oh, the kid didn't tell all of you. You see, this kid is Na....

Naruto: Shut up and give him back!!

Momoshiki: No, we won't, now if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way.

Momoshiki and Urashinki run off.

Naruto: Hold up, you bastards!

Naruto chases after them.

Sakura: Naruto! Wait!

The others go with Naruto.

Momoshiki: What should we do about them?

Urashinki: Hmm........How about we have some fun?

Momoshiki: Alright, I'll do anything to get rid of these brats.

Momoshiki and Urashinki stop running and face the others.

Naruto: Hand him over!!

Urashinki: And why do you care about him? He's just a human being, and human beings are were meant to die.

Urashinki throws Boruto.

Naruto: *gasps* Why you little-!!

Choji: Hey, Naruto, calm down. Don't let the Nine Tails go on another rampage.

Shikamaru: He's right, Naruto. We away from the Village, so the best thing for you to do is to calm down.

Naruto: *takes a deep breath* Well, based on what Tsunade told me.


Naruto: Do you know what this guy is capable of?

Tsunade: Yes, he has a Rinnegan on both of his hands. He can absorb ninjutsu and blasts them back at us. Mostly the only thing that works is taijutsu. So on your squad we need one of your talented taijutsu.

Naruto: Luckily, I know someone.

Flashback ends

Shikamaru: So, the only thing that works is taijutsu.

Naruto: Yeah, at least thats what Granny Tsunade said.

Shikamaru: Then that means......

Shikamaru and Naruto look at Lee.

Shikamaru: Lee....your the only one out of all of us that knows taijutsu, like Guy.

Lee: Me? But what if....

Neji: Don't worry, all of us are here now. We'll all help.

Tenten: Yeah. Remember? We're Team 8.

Lee: Alright, lets do it.

Urashinki: Looks like they are ready.

Momoshiki: Yes, they do. Are you ready, Urashinki?

Urashinki: You know, I am, Momoshiki.

The moment a leaf falls, they run towards each other.

All right, guys, i think this story is going good. They almost found out Boruto was Naruto's son. That sure was close, lol. Well anyway, hope you enjoyed this.


Boruto: Wait!

Me: What?

Boruto: Follow him, everyone who is reading this book! he made me looks awesome in this! 

Me: Really? Thats all you had to say?

Boruto: Yeah.

Me: Ok, cya later guys!

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