Chapter 25

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Its been only a few days since they were ordered to the assist the 2nd Company and still no sign of it yet.

Boruto: How long are we going to keep running? We have been doing this for days.

Konohamaru: I know, but we have to stick to the orders we have been given. If we don't, who knows what will happen to the 2nd Company.

Boruto: What do you mean?

Konohamaru: There can be attacks coming out of nowhere. I only heard a little, but these weird white guys called white Zetsu can travel from under the ground.

Boruto: Underground?

Konohamaru: Yeah, so they could be ambushed at any time, so we have to hurry.

While Boruto and Konohamaru were running, Kakashi saw the 2nd Company.

Kakashi: 2nd Company! Up ahead!

Everyone had look up front and saw that there was an intense battle that they were about to face.

Kiba: Look! Reinforcements!

The shinobi from the 3rd Company began to help the shinobi in the 2nd Company.

Kitsuchi: Well, it's about damn time.

Kurotsuchi: Enough talking, dad and help me with this.

Kurotsuchi and Kitsuchi placed their hands onto the ground.

Kurotsuchi & Kitsuchi: Earth Style: Mobile Core!

A perfectly deep square hole had been formed and trapped the entire area. Luckily the shinobi were able the focus their chakra to their feet and run up the wall. Once they were above the hole, it became easy to kill them.

Kitsuchi: All Fire Style Users, light them up!

All the Shinobi from the Leaf had lined up around the hole.

Fire Style Users (in synch): Yes Sir! Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

All of them had blown fire at the White Zetsu. Once the attack had hitted them, the Zetsu's began screaming in pain and then died. Everyone began cheering.

Kakashi: Finally, its over.

Naruto: You ok there, Kakashi-sensei?

Kakashi: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired. I think I should go and rest up.

Naruto: Alright. I'll see you later, then.

Kakashi then walks to the woods and sleep beside a tree.

Boruto: Hey, I'm going to-

Before he could finish talking. Urashinki came out of nowhere and snatched Boruto. Naruto and a few other shinobi saw.

Naruto: Boruto!

Naruto had went into his chakra mode, and he went faster than before he had it.

Naruto: Give Boruto back now!

Urashinki: Not like you can do anything about it.

Naruto had made his Rasen-shuriken.

Naruto: Got to be careful and not hit Boruto.

He then threw it at Urashinki and it hit him.

Urashinki knew that he was in danger, so he took out the Karasuki.

Urashinki: Why now? I'll kill you one day!

He then activated it and they were gone in a flash.

Naruto: Boruto! Damn it!

Naruto went back.

Konohamaru: hm? Hey, your back!

Konohamaru noticed that Boruto wasn't with him.

Naruto: I lost them.

aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! i hate late chapters and school. I dont know which one i hate the most!


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