Chapter 21

814 21 0

With Groups 1, 2 and 9

Shinobi #1: We have been searching for a while now, do you think we should regroup with Groups 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8

Shinobi #2: Yeah, I think we should. Lets go.

But the moment they tried to turn back, over 1000 White Zetsu's had shown up.

Shinobi #3: There's so many of them.

Shinobi #2: Who cares how many there are. This is war between life and death. Everyone attack with full force!

2 hours later

Shinobi #4: *pants* there's no end to them. We won't be able to join any of the other groups if we stay like this.

Nearly everyone ran out of chakra. The White Zetsu's began running towards them. 

Lee: Severe Leaf Hurricane!
Guy: Severe Leaf Hurricane!

Shinobi #2: Its Might Guy and Rock Lee of the Leaf.

Guy: Yes, it is. Lee, you get the ones on the right and i go after the ones on the left.

Lee: Right. 

They both began to open their 8 inner gates.

Lee & Guy: 8 Inner Gates: 5th Gate of Closing. Open!

A green aura started forming around them.

Guy: Alright, Lee. Lets go!

Lee: Right.

They began attacking with a tremendous amount of force and speed. Everyone was amazed and surprised about how much power they can get.

After a while, their battle was over and everyone noticed something wrong.

Shinobi #2: Wait, where are Naruto and those two kids clones are?

The clones were gone.

A few minutes later.

One of the shinobi heard a noise. He alerted everyone and they were ready to attack, but it wasn't an enemy. It was the other groups.

Shinobi #5: Hey, we have bad news.

Guy: What is it?

Shinobi #5: All of the clones that were sent with us by Naruto and those two kids, they're gone.

Shinobi #2: Its happened to you too. Well, lets head South. I'm pretty sure that Captain Kakashi and his squad went that was.

Guy: Right, and we better hurry. Since we are all grouped up, we are a pretty big target. Stay together, don't split up.

Everyone: Right.

They now headed South to reach Kakashi and his squad.

With Naruto

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei?

Kakashi: Yeah?

Naruto: Do you think something happened to the other groups?

Kakashi: No, I don't think so. All of them are powerful shinobi, they carry a will that never lets them give up. All shinobi have that, whether you like it or not. Some are just like you, they never give up no matter what. You have inspired all of the shinobi in the Hidden Leaf, its all thanks to you that we created a powerful bond between the other Hidden Villages.

Naruto: Yeah, your right, Kakashi-sensei.

Naruto looks at Boruto who was ahead of his.

Kakashi: Something is bothering you, right?

Naruto: Yeah. Can I tell you something?

Kakashi: Sure, go ahead.

Naruto: Well, a long time ago, when I came back from a mission, I was called to Grandma Tsunade's office and...

Kakashi: And what?

Naruto: She said that Boruto is my-

Kakashi: -your son.

Naruto: Wait, you knew?

Kakashi: It's kinda easy to tell. Matching hair color, same whiskers, and the same eye color.

Naruto: Well, thats unexpected.

Kakashi: Yeah, it is. 

Naruto: I don't think I'm ready to be a father yet. At least not now during the war. I have to protect him, keep an eye on him, and many other fatherly things.

Kakashi: I may not know what it's like raising a kid, but he can protect himself, he has many powerful jutsu. Also you don't have to keep an eye on him, Konohamaru is there to help him when he needs it. So don't worry about him, at least for now.

Naruto: Thanks, Kakashi-sensei.

finally, i had to brainstorm this stuff our. Jesus....


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