Chapter 23

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Guy: Thats right. So be on the look out.

Kakashi: Thanks for letting me know.

Little did they know, someone was watching over them and listening.

Traitor Thoughts: Damn it, they are on to me already. I have to get out of here.

He begins to leap away. Kakashi and Guy heard it and saw the traitor, then went to capture him.

Guy: Hey, get back here.

???: Rasengan!

Kakashi and Guy were surprised.

Boruto: Sounds like something happened between you guys.

Kakashi: Boruto, what are you doing? You should be resting.

Boruto: What? A kid can't get up early and help out?

Guy laughed a bit.

Guy: He seems a lot like Naruto.

Kakashi: Yeah, he sure does.

After Kakashi and Guy tied to traitor to a tree, they began to question him.

Kakashi: For starters, who are you?

He didn't say anything.

Guy: Not much of a talker, hm?

Kakashi made the hand signs Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey and Ram.

Kakashi: Lightning Blade!

The man was terrified because he heard of the rumor of Kakashi's Lightning Blade.

Kakashi: Your going to tell me who you are and what you want one way or the other.

The man stayed silent.

Kakashi: Fine, have it your way.

Kakashi then stabs and kills the man.

Guy: Luckily we found the traitor and now we can go on forth without getting surprised attacked.

Kakashi: Right. Now lets get some rest.

In the Morning

Naruto, Konohamaru and Boruto: *yawn loudly*

Naruto: Mornin' guys.

Boruto: Whats up?

Kakashi: Good, your up. Now lets head out now.

Everyone nodded and began heading South.

Naruto: Hey, Kakashi-sensei?

Kakashi: Yeah?

Naruto: I've been thinking about what you said about Boruto, and me being his father and all. On one hand, I want to protect my family and Boruto is part of it, and as his father its my duty to keep him protected. On the other hand, I consider all my friends and everyone in the village my family. So I was thinking that i could protect both at the same time.

Kakashi: Thats actually not a bad idea.
Kakashi's thoughts: You really have grown a lot, even for a father...........Naruto.

After a while they finally saw a camp.

Boruto: Hey, guys, I see some type of camp ahead.

Guy: Must be the Sensory Unit, lets go.

They finally made it to the camp. But sadly it wasn't a Sensory Unit, it was the Medical Unit.

Medical Ninja #1: How may we be of assistance to you?

Kakashi: Many of your forces have been injured and are there any Sensory Ninja here?

Medical Ninja #1: We will treat the shinobi as quickly as possible. And yes, there are only very few here. Just head to that tent right there.

The medical ninja points to the biggest tent in the entire camp.

Kakashi: Thanks.

Kakashi then went into the tent.

Alright, well, heres the other chapter

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