Chapter 4

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The next day.

Everyone was awake except for Boruto.

Hinata: Where's Boruto?

Himawari: Big brother is still asleep.

Hinata: Oh.

Naruto: I'll go and wake him up.

Naruto heads up to his room.

Naruto: Boruto, wake up.

Boruto: Leave me alone, you stupid old man.

Naruto then gets a kunai and points it on his neck. Boruto feels something sharp on his neck.

Boruto: *gasp* Dad, what the hell do you think your doing?

Naruto: Time to get up.

Boruto: Ok, ok, I'll be right down there!

Boruto puts on his jacket and headband. Boruto goes to the kitchen and eat.

Boruto: *yawns*

Hinata: Morning.

Boruto: Morning.

Once Boruto was done with breakfast, he went to the Academy. When he went there, he saw Sarada and Mitsuki.

Sarada: Hey, Boruto.

Boruto: Hey, Sarada. Hey, Mitsuki.

Mitsuki: You seem happy.

Boruto: What do you mean?

Sarada: He means that you never say "hey" back, when we say "hi" to you. So, something must have made you say "hey". So what made you happy?

Boruto: Nothing.

Mitsuki: Well, the Seventh Hokage has been out of the office for a few days.

Sarada: Well, now that I think about it....he has been away for a long time. *gasp* Boruto is he....

Boruto: Uhhh......

Sarada: He is spending time with his family, isn't he?

Boruto: All right, you got me. I'm happy to have him spend time with my dad.

Mitsuki: Oh, is that it?

Boruto: Yeah..

Sarada: Ok.

They head into the Academy.

Meanwhile with Urashinki.

Urashinki heads towards the building that has the remaining's of Kaguya. There were 5 Anbu guards.

Anbu #1: Stop right there. State your name.

Urashinki: Urashinki.........Otsutsuki.

Urashinki then killed all the Anbu. He then heads inside. He finds the Karasuki, which is a device only used by the Otsutsuki clan. An alarm went off. Urashinki runs out.

All the shinobi and anbu head towards the building. Boruto saw this and wanted to see what happened. Boruto then bumps into Urashinki.

Boruto: You.

Urashinki: *chuckles evilly* So, you still want to fight me?

Boruto: You bet I do!

Urashinki: Grrr...

Boruto and Urashinki run towards each other. Urashinki then accidentally activated the Karasuki.

Urashinki: Uh, oh.

Boruto: *gasps*

Sarada and Mistuki saw this.

Sarada: Boruto!

Boruto were now gone.

Sarada: Boruto.

Alright hey, guys, tell me how the story is going, please. Let me know, if its going bad, let me know so i can fix it. If its good, then thank you.


Boruto and the 4th Great Ninja WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora