Chapter 16

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After a while, Boruto and Konohamaru finally reached one of the battlefields.

Boruto: Its so misty here.

One of the shinobi saw Boruto and Konohamaru.

#1 Shinobi: Captain Kakashi, there are two kids coming this way!

Kakashi: What?

Kakashi went towards Boruto and Konohamaru.

Kakashi: Konohamaru, why aren't you at the Village?

Konohamaru: Well, I can't let Boruto here go by himself towards war, he needs someone to back him up.

Kakashi: Boruto?!

Boruto: Yeah.

Kakashi: I thought you were gone?

Boruto: Yeah, its a long story, but I'm just gonna skip all that.

Kakashi: Alright, but go back to the Village. You shouldn't be here. Don't you understand that this is war, your not ready for this.

Boruto: Yes, I am. 

Kakashi: Go back to the Village now. Thats an order.

Boruto: I said I'm not, I'm staying here.

Konohamaru: Yeah, me and Boruto here will help the best way we can. Thats what makes up shinobi.

Kakashi: *sighs* Fine, you can stay, but don't underestimate the enemy. These are people that have been brought back to life, so be prepared for anything thats about to happen now.

Boruto & Konohamaru: Right.

Kakashi: Alright, everyone, we only have two reinforcements. Yes, they are kids, but that means nothing, what matters is that we take the enemy down! The plan is simple: Everyone will surround Zabuza in every angle. I will try to attack his right arm first with my Lightning Blade. I know he will dodge it, and when he does I want all of you to attack his left arm, that way it would take time for it to regenerate and he will only have one arm for a while. After that, Maki?

Maki: Yes, sir?

Kakashi: I want you to seal him up.

Maki: Right.

Kakashi: Alright, everyone, this is the only shot we have to take one of them down! Lets go!

All of them saw Zabuza and sneakily surrounded him.

Zabuza: Huh? Why did all of the shinobi stop attacking? Hehe, we might have killed everyone. What a shame, I was looking forward to do some more killing. Oh, well, looks like we have to move on to another battlefield.

Zabuza was walking away and Kakashi ran towards Zabuza with the Lightning Blade as fast as he could. Once Kakashi was in range, he went to strike him, and Zabuza tried to dodge. After he did, all of the shinobi had threw kunia's at his other arm, most of them hit and missed, but his arm wasn't detached from his body. Boruto used his Vanishing Rasengan and threw it at Zabuza and it hit him.

Zabuza: What?!

Kakashi: Maki, now!

Maki: Right. Sealing Jutsu: Cloth Binding!

Zabuza: No!

Maki had finally sealed Zabuza and Kakashi had Zabuza's blade. Also the mist began to clear.

#2 Shinobi: Hey, the mist is clearing.

#3 Shinobi: We can see the enemy now. 

The enemy began to run into the forest to hide.

Kakashi: Great job, everyone. Now onto the next one.

Guy: Kakashi!

Kakashi: Guy!

Guy: The explosion style user has been sealed. Now we only have six others to take down. Who should we get?

Kakashi: I don't know, but whoever it is, we will take them down. I know thousands of jutsu and now, I will use them all here and now. Its my name as Kakashi: The Copy Ninja.

Guy: Right. Now lets go!

Everyone runs deep into the forest to find another enemy.

Alright, so hows the book going? Good? Bad? Between the middle? If it is bad, then let me know what is the problem, so i can fix it.


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