Chapter 19

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Chunmei's POV

A WayV shrine.

I'm no experienced fan, but I can tell who those people are. The more I look at the pictures, the more confused I become.

My mind keeps on drifting back to that little conversation Chunli and I had a few days ago.


"Why are you listening to that group?"

"Because I like their music a lot? Why, do you recognize them?"

"No, I hate that group."

End of Flashback

So, apparently Chunli hates WayV, but at the same time has a whole collage of posters, pictures, and photocards of them on her wall.

I step closer to the wall and notice that almost all of the pictures are of that guy that I really liked, the one in the leather jacket in the Turn Back Time MV.

A lot of them don't even look like they were taken in public. There are pictures of him sleeping, laughing, smiling, just looking at the camera, posing...

And is that a picture of CHUNLI? WITH THAT GUY?

"Wait a minute, this makes no sense at all," I mumble, squinting at the selfie with the two of them again. That sure looks like the same guy.

The question is, where on earth did she get that picture?

One possibility is that she managed to go to a fansign and get a selfie with him and searched up a million pictures taken by the other group members at home, printed them out, and then stick them up on her wall.

Another possibility is that the two people are completely different and coincidentally look like the same person. One is related to Chunli somehow, and the other is an idol. This would mean that I need to get my eyes or my brain checked, though.

And the final possibility is that Chunli somehow knows and has spent a lot of time with the idol, whose name I still can't remember.

Chunli's handwriting is scrawled all over some of the pictures. Most of the words are just "Winnie♡" written in permanent marker.

"Winnie, winnie, winnie..." I mumble aloud, then realize, "Oh! Chunli's ex boyfriend was named Winnie!"

Actually, Chunli just always referred to him as Winnie whenever she talked about him over the phone with me because our parents forced us to have a conversation while she was in Korea.

"Winnie and I went to the park today, Winnie and I are gonna go eat something later, Winnie is so cute, I love Winnie." Is Winnie his real name? I doubt it.

I then look even closer and realize something. This guy looks creepily similar to Sicheng.

This guy looks really similar to Sicheng.

Something has got to be wrong with my brain. I've only seen Sicheng with his mask off, like, once, and that was only for a few seconds.

My brain is most likely trying to fill in the missing features, like his nose and his mouth, when in reality, the two only have similar eyes.

Plus, their hair color is different. The Sicheng that I know currently has brown hair, while the Winnie in the pictures  has black hair.

I think I should take a break from using my brain before I come up with more weird theories. What are the chances that Winnie, Sicheng, and the guy in the MV are the same?

Little to none.

Exactly, which is why I should leave this room and pretend I was never here. Maybe I'll come back and look some day, but this is too much information to process.

I make sure that the room looks exactly the same as to when I came in here, and then shut the door and return to my own room.

That was very interesting.


Is Chunmei gonna figure it out? 🤔

Thanks for reading!

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