Chapter 59

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Winwin's POV

Honestly, my greatest accomplishment these past 2 weeks has been getting to know Chunmei better. I think that's about it.

I mean, we've been doing the normal practice and all, but those performances with Stylist Chunli were the last ones for comeback season. Also, we don't have a proper, stable, here-to-stay manager yet, so it's not like we can do anything big or anything.

And WayV has been clowning me about it nonstop the whole time. For example, right now. I literally just said "Good Morning" to Chunmei, and a second later, Yangyang is playfully hitting me and making weird noises.

"What?" I ask him as soon as Chunmei leaves the room. I swear, they need to stop, but I know they won't, because they think it's funny. This is embarrassing.

"You totally like her," is his response.

"And? So what? What does this have to do with you?" I ask, then realize what I just said. Oh no. "I mean, what would make you think that?"

"You just slipped up so badly, but it has everything to do with me! After all, I'm Liu Yangyang, her amazing brother, and I think you should ask her-"

I cut him off. "Be quiet, she's literally just a few meters away!"

"You're not even denying it at this point," Yangyang laughs, finally lowering his voice. Thank goodness. "Anyways, you should ask her out." Even though I already expected him to say that, I'm still surprised. Since when was Yangyang the matchmaker of WayV?

"Come on, you should totally make a move," Ten agrees. I whirl around, seeing him just sitting behind us. I really need to start watching my back when I'm in the dorm with these people who can just appear out of nowhere.

I nod, suddenly considering it. Although Ten and Yangyang may be a little too excited, I think they might be right. I mean... Okay, I do like Chunmei. A lot. But I still need to think about it. "Is this not a little too fast?"

"Winwin, you've known her for, like, almost a month now. Come on, both of you are so obvious. Even Yuta and Taeil have given up, seeing how much you like her," Ten points out.

"But what if she doesn't like me back?"

"Oh my goodness, how much more oblivious can they be?" Yangyang asks, rolling his eyes.

Kun randomly walks by on his way to the kitchen, in time to hear Yangyang's words. "Hey! Respect your elders!"

"Okay, Grandpa Kun," Yangyang laughs, obviously not caring. "Anyways, you should trust us, Winwin. We're professionals at this. I'm even going to give you permission to ask my sister out, and I don't just let her date random people-"

"Okay, okay, that's enough roleplaying," I cut him off, worried that Chunmei might hear. Luckily, Hendery is blasting Kick Back at top volume in his room right now, and Yangyang isn't screaming, so it's likely that she hasn't heard.

Ten shrugs. "I think you should do it today."

I give him a look. "Aren't we moving a little too fast now?"

"No, the coffee shop is perfectly fine now. I just went yesterday and nobody is there anymore," Xiaojun responds, breezing past with Bella on his heels. How do they hear everything?

Ten, Yangyang, and Xiaojun suddenly air-high-five. I look at them in confusion, until Ten explains, "Xiaojun just suggested that you ask her out at your little coffee shop place."

I consider it for a moment. It's kind of a decent idea... Reminds me of when Taeyong hyung proposed to Chaemin at the same place where he asked her to be his girlfriend... Why am I thinking so far? "But I still think that I should think about-"

Ten cuts me off. "Winwin, if you don't-"

"Okay, okay, I'll ask her," I mutter, now cutting him off. "I'm literally not even ready, though, or prepared at all. What am I supposed to say?"

"Just, 'I have something to tell you. I really like you,'" Yangyang, with his zero dating experience, responds.

I nod, then realize something. "Isn't that directly copied from what Taeyong hyung said when he was asking Chaemin to be his girlfriend?"

"It doesn't matter," Yangyang responds. Yeah, I've caught him. "Just be glad that we haven't set up a whole fancy dinner for you two, even though I'd love to do that again."

I nod. "Okay, I'll do it."



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