Instant Friends

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*Author's Note: I go back and forth between calling the angel creature "it" and "he" in case you're confused. It is just because she hasn't decided what to make of it--him--yet.

Chapter Three: Instant Friends


Its laugh was a mixture of a graph and the muahaha of a cartoon villian. It was quite intimidating, believe it or not.

He, keeping a tight grip on my throat, pulled my face towards his. I was struggling to breathe and I was more focused on the beauty of his eyes, but I was pretty sure that he whispered the word, "never."

Then it caused a sensation in me that surely I'd never felt before. It choked me by forcing my neck inwards, and pressed his lips to mine. He then dropped his grasp and disappeared. 

I knew she wanted me to wait until morning, but I had to call Liz again.


I was quite aware of the stares that I got the next day at my new school, and normally the piercing looks would have torn me to shreds. But today, I was so focused on my angel that I didn't give a care in the world. I got my schedule, went to my classes and sat in corners by myself, then at lunch I sat at a table by myself, and for the rest of the day I sat by myself.

That was actually how I handled my days in New York before I met Liz.

That night, I had the same reoccurring nightmare but I didn't wake up and call my best friend. Instead, it kept repeating, unchanging over and over again.

The next day, a girl about my height (which is an average height) with silky brunette hair approached me. She appeared like a model with her straight, smooth hair, seemingly perfect skin and complexion, and big brown eyes coated with just the right amount of eye makeup.

"Hi!" she exclaimed in a bubbly tone. We were standing in the locker room, and both of us had just finished dressing out into our gym clothes. "I saw you by yourself yesterday, and today, and I felt really bad so if you want to hang out with me, you can. My name is Ember. What about you?"

"June," I said shortly. "Hi."

I was afraid of strangers, and honestly this pretty girl was scaring me to death! But I wanted to be polite, so I sucked in my stomach and said, "You probably wouldn't want to hang out with me. I'm, you know, the new girl and I am insane."

"I'm crazy too!" she screeched. "I'm like obsessed with Invader Zim and Sanrio. And I love anime, and Flyleaf is like my favorite band."

"I watch Invader Zim," I replied. "And Flyleaf is good."

She grinned. I'm pretty sure that was an instant friendship. But like I told Peter, no one could ever be as good as Liz.

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