Stay With Me

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Chapter Sixteen: Stay With Me

Peter POV

I woke up one Saturday morning, deciding that things were pretty good. Well, good enough for me, compared to lately. Ember was leaning towards being my girlfriend, June hadn't cut herself in a week, and Jasper hadn't been here in three days. And now, my parents and Ella were leaving for another vacation, and once again they put me in charge of June and Liz. Sweet, I thought as I reclined back in my dad's chair. It was the most comfortable chair in the house, but no one was aloud to sit in it but him. But with him gone, he couldn't tell me what to do. (Then again, I am why do I still listen to him?)

"Are they gone?" Liz whispered, peaking out from around the hallway.

I nodded in satisfaction, sipping a cold beer. Another thing I could do while they're gone!

She and June ambled out of the hallway, each wearing blue rubber gloves. June's hands were folded across her chest and she was staring at the floor in shame, but Liz was holding a white rose out away from her as if it held a terrible stench.

"Look what Jasper left...and never came back to get!"

I scowled. "A what?"

"This isn't any flower. It's indestructable. Yeah, I buried it, but it showed up on June's nightstand. I tried to burn it, but it only blackened the edges...and set my hand on fire. But I'm okay. I also put it in the creek in the back yard. It floated away, but when I woke up this morning it was beside me. I think Jasper possessed it or something."

June continued to look down in shame. "I just...I just...I love him..." She burst into tears.

I knew that I was supposed to back up Liz and act all grr, don't like demons but I couldn't help feeling bad for my little sister. She was heartbroken, and I couldn't stand to see her like this. At that moment, I vowed to get revenge on Jasper...mainly for June...but not just for her...for all of us.


June POV

I didn't understand why the rose was such a big deal. Sure, it could be demon-possessed, but that's not too bad...

I shrieked and grabbed my head, and gave it a violent shake OF COURSE IT'S BAD, YOU MORON, I thought to myself. How could the fact that it's demon-possed not bother me?

"LIZ!" I called. 

Flaming hair rushed through the air, and Liz appeared in front of me.

"I think Jasper is putting me into a trance again. Except this's that demons aren't bad."

"Do we really need any more proof that Jasper is a demon?"

I burst into tears. "Maybe I just don't want to believe it. Isn't that okay? Can't I just pretend?"

"You don't get it," she grumbled. "This isn't a story, June! This is your life! Jasper is real, he's definately real, and he's trying to turn you to the devil. Do you want that?!?"

Any other day. If it'd been any other day, I would have just calmed down,  and had a serious conversation with Liz. We would have hugged, and somehow she would find a way to make it alright. But today wasn't normal, obviously. Today, though, I was being possessed by a demon.


Peter POV

"Hey, where are you going, sis?" I called as June dashed out of the house, her curls flying around her face. I almost yelled at her then went back inside, but then I saw the tears falling from her face...and the blood falling from her wrist.

I got in my car and followed her, keeping a little bit behind (which was really hard to do, because June was a really slow runner). She turned into a dark alley, and sat on against a wall covered in graffiti. She pulled a knife out of her pocket and began making more cuts next to the one that was still gushing blood. I slammed the breaks on my car, and approached her from the shadows.

She was screaming and tears were blinding her so that she didn't even look up when she heard my footsteps. I settled beside her against the wall, gently lifting the knife from her fingers. "You were being so good..."

She nodded. "I know...but then Liz and I had a fight"--sniffle--"about...about Jasper."

June was now wailing to the point of where she couldn't talk anymore. I pulled her into a hug and whispered, "It's going to be okay."

She nodded, then looked up and said, "Can you please stay with me?"

"Of course; I'm not just going to leave you."

"I don't mean right now," she murmured. "I mean...don't leave me alone and start living in college. I know we're mean to each other, but I don't want you to go. I do love you, Peter."

"I know...just kidding. I love you too."

"So what were you two fighting about, exactly?" I asked.

She gulped. "Liz thinks Jasper possessed me."

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