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*Author's Note: Okay, I know in the beginning, June says that she'd never define herself as emo and now she calls herself emo constantly, and this will be explained in later chapters more in depth, but basically, she has no better words for it and she knows that she'll be stereotyped anyway. As you'll learn, June has a kind of what's the point? attitude.

Chapter Six: Trance

"I don't get it," Ember was murmuring as she took her seat beside me at lunch. "I mean I believe you and all, but why would he just randomly pick a chick to save him from hell? Randomly? All I know is what I've seen in movies, but wouldn't he go to his ex-girlfriend that he's still in love with or something stupid?"

I sighed. "I have to say, I've never watched a movie where a random British boy appears and tries to kill a girl, then turns all sweet and asks her to give him salvation. I don't even know if I have the power to do that! I mean, I was emo for crying out loud!"

Ember gasped. "You're emo? He's British? Why didn't you tell me?!?"

"I was emo, and yeah, he's British. I didn't think that was a big part of the problem, but okay."

She made a wooting noise, fanning herself with her hand. "June, a British boy is in love with you!"

As she was speaking, she was also checking under my bracelets for scars.

"Cut it out!"  I demanded, pushing her hand away. "My cutting phase is in the past, and I'd like to forget it."

"Sorry," she answered, pushing a chip into her mouth. "Here, you want my Coke?"

My eyes widened. I hadn't had a soda in a really long time. During my cutting time period, I really only had water, energy drinks, salads, and fish. It had at least been two years...

I snatched the can from Ember's hand, still in awe.

" like Coke?" she questioned awkwardly.

I nodded. "I haven't had one in so long"--I took a pig-feeding gulp--"I forgot how much I loved these things!"

Ember chuckled. "I love you, girl."

Again awed, I turned my wide-eyed glare to her. I threw my arms around her, and I realized that no one would ever replace Liz or come close to even party replacing her; it just couldn't be done; but Ember was an amazing person that could really help turn my life around. I understood now that having another best friend would not be betrayal to Liz at all, but just adding another person to my life. But no matter how much distance was between us, I'd never lose Liz.


"I've decided something," Jasper announced.

I looked up from the book I'd been reading. "I guess I wasn't clear before. I don't want you popping in on me randomly, you creeper!"

"If that's what you meant, you should have said it. All you said was, 'I'm not the right person to give you a ticket to heaven.' I can accept that, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving. Not yet, at least."

I frowned, feeling my lower lip pull out. It was hard getting an unwanted guest away! (Liz always made people go away when she could tell they were bothering me, because I was just too shy to do it.)

I then remembered the pain of feeling like I'd made a huge mistake, and looked into Jasper's black sorry eyes, and decided to leave him be. I'd satisfy him enough; but not let him get too far into my head.

"Whatcha reading?" he asked after a minute of silence. 

I blushed into a crimson state. Too embarrassed to answer, I let him lift the book from my fingers.

"Romeo and Juliet," he mumbled distastefully. "That definitely wouldn't have been my first choice!"

I let out a shriek and buried my face in the pillow. "I'm a dork!" I cried. "Such a nerd!"

"Nerds don't deserve this," he whispered, pulling the white rose from behind his back.

"No!" I snapped. "This is yours! I gave it back!"

My angel shook his head. "I don't care. I'm giving this to you. Keep it."

I gently stroked the petals with my fingers, then took it from him. 

Something about that moment, whether it was the beautiful stare of his dark eyes or the way his voice seemed so much sweeter, but at that moment I began to fall...not necessarily in love, but into some kind of trance that somehow made me believe that Jasper was not my angel or an it at all, but rather a real teenager that happened to know everything about me.

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