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*Author's Note: alright, so i've been reading around, you know, looking at other people's stories, and HOLY CRAP!! this is total sh** compared to some of the stuff i've read, so i really appreciate anyone who even takes a second glance at this story, let alone anyone who actually has read on to chapter eight of this crappy story. so thank youuu((:

Chapter Eight: Demon-girl

"I don't think your friend is very fond of me," Jasper commented one day.

"She just wants to make sure I'm safe," I said, barely looking up from my book.

"Are you sure? Maybe she's just jealous."

"No way!" I barked. "That's not the type of person Liz is."

"If you say so."

"Well, I'm not afraid to say that I hate you with every fiber of my being, Jasper!" Peter announced.

"Lovely," I grumbled.

"That's why we pay you fifty dollars a week to keep your mouth shut," Jasper added.

Peter shrugged.

"Peter! June! Liz! I'm home and I've got groceries! Can you guys come help me?" my mothers voice sailed from the kitchen. I looked over at Jasper's chair, and he was already gone.

"Liz is in the back yard kicking a soccer ball with dad," I answered. 

"You didn't want to play? Oh, June, you're going to get fat and lazy one day! Why don't you let Peter and me get the groceries and you join Liz and your father. Besides, she's your best friend, and she'll be back in New York before you know it."

"Mom!" Peter whined. "This is a lot of bags! June should help! And Liz...and Dad...heck, Ella should even help!"

My mom gave us no mercy, even though he'd rather be playing soccer and I'd rather be emptying the van of groceries.

Ella ran in from the back yard, grasping something in her tiny fist. "What's this?" she asked.

Unfolding her hand, I saw the white rose. Crap! It can't be the same one...though the edges are burned...

"'s just a flower. Here, give it to me."

"That's he told me to do!"

"Who did?" Peter questioned, wide eyed as he dropped the bag with eggs in it. Soon enough, yellow and white were oozing all over the floor.

"Pick those up now!" my mother shouted.

"The man with the Harry Potter voice!" Ella cried.

Peter and I exchanged worried glances.

"What's she talking about?" my mother demanded. 

"Who knows?" Peter replied. "I blame June for letting her watch Harry Potter."

"Oh, shut up, why don't you?!?"

My mom rolled her eyes. "June, go out there with Liz."

Doing as directed, I headed towards the dreaded game. Liz had always been the sporty one and I'd always been the opposite. Which was easy to tell, since she was thin and had long, athletic legs while I was just...average. There was always something that bothered me about people's looks. For example, Peter's nose was too big and his mouth was too small. Yet with Liz and Ember, nothing bothered me. If I didn't know better, I would say that they were simply perfect.

"June!" Peter called from in the house. "Ember is on the phone!"

"C'mon, Liz!" I cried, overjoyed to get away from doing anything that requires exercise. 

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