Betrayal of a Phantom

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Chapter Twenty: Betrayal of a Phantom

Peter POV

Ember gasped, and I covered her mouth. She tried to run at Jasper, but I held her back. I had to see what was happening...maybe June had a plan...

Or Jasper had some sort of spell on her. If that was the case, then surely we weren't powerful enough to stop him--even if we had Zoe, Rex, and Liz here with us. And let's face it, June was still in love with him. She wouldn't even try to break the spell.

Luckily for us, he didn't seem to be trying to kill her--yet--but he had her down on her knees before him. Now I knew that he had her under some sort of power because June wouldn't get on her knees unless she was praying, ever. It made her paranoid to even sit on her knees. She hated the thought of being a servant to anyone but God.

"Peter, let me go!" she cried in a whisper. "We'ce gotta go get her! What's wrong with you?!?"

"She'll pull through...I mean...we haven't lost her completely, right?"

"Of course not, but are you going to just sit back and watch while he permanently makes her the devil's property or what not?!?"

"She wouldn't let that happen."

"She's hypnotized!!!"

" have absolutely no faith in your best friend," I snapped. I let go of her arm and leaned against the wall. Surprisingly, she didn't go.

"I do have faith in June, you crap monkey!!!"

"Did you just call me a crap monkey?!?"

"Shh!" a British accent rang from the room. "I think I hear your friends out there. Go and see."

"What friends?" she muttered as she approached the door. "I only have you, my love."

"I love her, but I really want to punch her or slap her butt right now!!!" Ember grumbled.

"I want to murder Jasper," I replied angrily.

"Go away!" June ordered once she saw us.

"June...June, it's me," I said, a little hurt and stunned.

Ember stood up and slapped her in the butt--what is wrong with my girlfriend?!?--literally. Shocked and a little confused, June only backed away, and landed in Jasper's open arms. I think I puked a little.

"Look, girlie, I know you're in a trance and all, but, uh"--she snapped her fingers in my sister's face--"Earth to June! C'mon, girle!!!"

"LIZ!!!" I shouted for help.

Liz appeared out of absolutely nowhere, armed with her demon shooting gun thingy. She couldn't aim at Jasper, as he was using June as a shield, and we didn't know whether or not that gun ws able to kill more than just demons. Yet, she still seemed confident that he would be resigned ot staying in hell forever quite soon.

"It's over, Jasper," she warned him.

"I don't think so," he scoffed. He whispered something in June's ear, and she approached Liz before we could tell her that she was under his power. She took the gun from Liz, and Liz didn't give up a fight. She thought that June was going to shoot Jasper herself, I suppose. Instead, she turned on Liz. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the gun was truly only for demons.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" Liz screamed.

"It is over," June sneered. "But for you, not Jasper. And for anyone who tries to get in his way"--she giggled--"they won't stand a chance."

It was her laugh that made me realize how powerful Jasper had to be. To me, laughs were a powerful thing. This was not the laugh of June Alecia Sanders.


*Author's Note: I don't think I ever said her last name until now, but if I said a different one earlier in the story and someone spots it let me know and I'll change it.


It was more like Jasper Collins. Somehow, that gave me power. For only a minute or so, I was superior to Jasper. My love for my sister, I guess, made me so powerful I felt that if I had to lift the Earth on my shoulders to save her, I could. I looked her dead in the eyes as she meant to look to Jasper for a signal to shoot, but instead she looked at me, and her trance was broken. She fell to the floor, gasping for breath. Liz took the gun and shot Jasper. His lifeless body went unpossessed, falling to the ground next to June. Liz knelt to the ground help her friend. Ember joined them and I went to get Zoe and Rex, hoping they had some kind of way to secure that Jasper wouldn't come least for awhile, anyways, while we had time to move out of this house.

"What...what's happening? I...I remember Jasper coming..."--she inhaled sharply--"then...I...uh...I don't know..."

"Yeah, demons have that kind of effect on--nevermind," Zoe said.

"No, that kind of effect on what?!?" June demanded.

"Well, it's just a theory..."

"On what?!?"

"The weak-minded," Zoe croaked.

My little sister shrugged. "Is that it? I already knew I was stupid."

Liz hit her in the back of the head. "You're not stupid."

I sighed in relief. Things were mostly normal again...besides the fact that two spirits were standing behind me. But what I meant was, June and Liz were having little debates over whether or not June was a good person, I was confused about everything that was going on, always ten paces behind, the feeling was almost like being back in New York. But this crappy place held one thing that New York could never give me. Ember.

And thank God for that!!!


June POV

So, of course we knew that this wasn't over yet. Everyone wanted to dispose of the body to stump Jasper for awhile, but I refused. There was most likely a boy trapped in hell that deserved his body back. So we took it down to the alley where we'd found Peter, which seemed to be out of Jasper's range. Peter and I agreed that we had to tell our parents, who were outraged and didn't believe us. They swore they wanted nothing to do with us, claiming we were doing witchraft and such of the likes.

Peter bought a dorm at his college, and I went back to New York with Liz. Ember was coming soon, and the three of us would live together for awhile while we recovered from all of this. I had no idea what was coming next, but as long as they were by my side, Peter wasn't too far away, and I stayed close to God, I knew I would be alright.

For now, of course.


Alrighty then! That was the final chapter. Does it not seem like a real ending? That's cuz it isn't! Part Two is coming soon!

I just want to thank my friends who are in niceville or panama city (I have no idea where u guys are right now) for keeping me going so I could finally finish a story. your encouragement may be threats, but hey, you guys know I would quit without it. thanks for making sure I didn't (: i love you guys, and all my readers, thanks for taking the time to stick with this crazy story. it really means a lot to me.

so, yeah, thanks and i love you, again. can't ever say that enough (:

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