Knowing the Truth

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*Author's Note: Alright, I know you guys are probably sick of these little notes from me, but I just want to thank you guys again for reading my story, even though there's a lot better stories written by a lot older authors but anyone who's reading this decided to stick with this crappy one until chapter fifteen!! So thanksss((:


Chapter Fifteen: Knowing the Truth

June POV

"Ember, you've been supportive of Jasper this whole time!" I cried. "Why a sudden change of heart?"

She frowned. "Well...I haven't been completely supportive...only what I've said out loud..."

"So you lied to me the whole time he's been here?!? Ember, that's the whole time we've been friends! That practically makes our friendship a lie!!"

She shook her head, grabbing my shoulders. "No, June, no!! All I said was he might not be a demon! And he acts good to you, so I don't hate him, you know, hate is a strong word...I'm just worried about you... I wasn't always...I used to think he was an angel with all my heart...but now..."

"Peter convinced you of this didn't he?"

"No," she lied timidly. 

"Yes, he did! I can see it on your face, Ember!"

She sighed, dropping her grip. "Yeah...he did."

"I can't talk to you," I hissed.

"No!" she shouted as I was walking away. She got on her knees and grabbed my legs like a five-year old.

"Em-ber!! Cut it out!!!" I snapped.

"Please, June! I'm sorryyyyy! Please forgive me! I'll never talk to him again if you don't want me to just pleeeease don't get mad at me!!!"

I looked down at my pathetic friend, and smiled a bit. As hilarious as that was, her grip hurt my legs and I hated whining, so I pulled her arm up. "Jeez, child!" I said. "Take a chill pill! I forigve you and all that crap that goes with forgiveness...yeah."

She sighed in relief and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Mmm-hmm, whatever," I muttered as I retrieved a Mountain Dew from the fridge and headed back to my room.

"Wait...I still get to talk to Peter, don't I?!?" she called.


That afternoon, I was laying across Jasper's lap reading my book, and he was gently playing with my hair. "So, rumor has it Ember doesn't like me anymore?" he asked.

I shrugged without looking up from my book. "She's kind of mixed up about it. Peter convinced her that you're a demon."


That was the end of that conversation! I knew it upset Jasper, but I didn't know how to respond to that depressed little "oh".

Suddenly he took the book from my hand and began to read it. "This doesn't look like Romeo and Juliet," he said.

"That's 'cause I finished that book months ago. Please give me my book back."

"What's it about?"

"It's a devotional. Please give it back!"

He handed it back to me. "A devotional for what?"

"God...Jesus...Christian stuff."

He pursed his lips. "Oh." (Again with the "oh"?)

My Immortal PhantomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora