To Shut Her Up

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Okay, I've got a few more ideas up my sleeve before I run out of fuse again. Still, comments and messages on what you guys want for this story would be nice! Thanks for reading(:

PS. If you like the same type of music I do, then you should check out the songs I think should be this story's theme songs:

June's song--My Immortal by Evanescence

Jasper's song--Your Betrayal by Bullet for My Valentine

Peter&Ember's song--The Poison by The All-American Rejects (I know it's an Alice in Wonderland song, but if you think of the "fell down a hole" stuff metaphorically and listen to it after reading this chapter it's really a lot like Peter's feelings towards Ember)

Liz's song--Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne


Chapter Fourteen: To Shut Her Up

I hadn't thought of Jasper Collins as my angel in...months, I guess. Lots of months that I stopped keeping track of. But the circumstances--me waking up and him being so close to me, only watching me--just called for it. My mind was spinning, going back and forth between You don't want a demon in your house and What the heck was I thinking?.. This guy is no demon.

But Jasper stayed only long enough to brush his lips against mine, because--against my better judgement--I reached for him, and he disappeared into thin air.

I stood up on my bed and shook Ember awake. She began to stammer about her dream, speaking of Damon from The Vampire Diaries.

" evil guy...mmm..."

"Ember!" I cried. "Wake up!"

Her eyes fluttered open. "Dang it, June!" she snapped. "You woke me up from a really amazing dream! Damon was there and he had his shirt off and--"

"Sorry, didn't mean to bother you, I guess it's not important that Jasper was here!!!"

"Holy crap!!! Screw Damon; tell me about the hot demon!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

I frowned. "There's not much to tell. I woke up and he was here. He kissed me, then left."

"He kissed you?!?" She fanned herself with her hand. "Woot! Girlie, that's not "not much"...well, to me, anyways. Is he a good kisser?"

I rolled my eyes, waving away her shock. "Oh, please. As if he's never kissed me before."

Her eyes looked as if they were about to bulge out of her head, then a gloomy look swallowed her face. "Oh..." she whispered, then sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I just thought that if he did, you would've told me."

I looked up, then down, chewing on my lip. A demon had kissed me. It just wasn't something I'd wanted to brag about, and I'd thought about telling Ember, but I was just too embarrassed.

You're embarrassed of me?

I gasped, jolting backwards and falling off the small loft, landing on my bed. Ember climbed down, eyes bugging out of her head again, and reached out her hand.

With her support, I shakily sat up. "What happened?" she demanded.

"J-J-J-Jazz...Jasp...Jasper...h-he...he talked to m-my -h-h-he-head."

"Like the demon-girl did?"

"Zoe," I snarled at the name of such an evil creature. "Zoe is her name."

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