The Voice

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*Author's Note: I've been feeling really discouraged about this story, debating with myself on wheter or not to quit it. But I read a comment that someone had liked my story, and the thought of someone that doesn't even know me liking my story really inspired me. so now i'm excited about it again and hopefully i can improve on june's mysterious mind!

Chapter Nine: The Voice

The girl seized my throat, and suddenly I remembered the night when Jasper had done the same. I didn't ask her to let me go, though. I for some reason knew that with Ember, Liz, Jasper, and Peter around, one of them would come get me. For once in my life, I was right about something.

"Get away from her, you bitch!" Peter cried. Unfortunately, my brother was not the knight in shining armor that I'd been looking for; he was more of a nineteen-year old wimpy boy wacking a demon-girl with a baseball bat. Lovely.

He did do some good, though, because the noise woke Liz up and she pulled me out of the green-eyed girl's grasp. "Jasper isn't yours to save," the girl snarled. "Keep that in mind." 

This girl left some sort of stench behind when she disappeared. It was familiar--perfume and cigarettes.

"I think she's from New York," I said. "She smells like our old apartment."

"Or she's watching you, and she was just there," Liz added.

A chill ran through me as Jasper appeared. "I feel as if I just missed something."

"Good instinct," Liz grumbled, "but you're too late."

He cocked an eyebrow.

"I think a demon was just here," I whispered, as if keeping secrets. Ella and my parents had left hours ago for a weekend vacation. They had no idea how foolish it was to leave Peter in charge of Liz and I, so we decided--well, Liz and I did, and Peter was throwing a fit--that Liz was now in charge. She assigned us all sleeping shifts, but I was awake three-fourths of the time, for everyone's shift but Jasper's. 

"He can handle himself," she snapped.

Jasper only chuckled. "Of course I can, but I think our timid mate-less boy here needs more than the help of poor June."

"I understood half of that," I cut in. "But I think it was a dig at me too."

He smiled, then lifted my chin with his index finger. "Never would I do such a thing. I'm eternally sorry if I offended you, and trust me, I've got eternity."

I giggled, feeling myself blush again.

"Alright, Romeo, I can't watch my sister be seduced," Peter barked. "Your shift goes first."

I frowned. "Liz, can I please stay up for his shift and sleep for Peter's?"

She shook her head. "You look extremely tired. You need to sleep."

"Nuh-uh!" I argued. "There's Mountain Dew in the fridge. You know what that crap does to me!"

"You can play with demon-boy in the morning," she uttered.

"It is the morning!" I rebutted. "It's already five."

She was practically dragging me away from Jasper, and Peter followed us. Ember was still out cold on my bed, drowned in the thick orange blanket. Not realizing how tired I was and how little strength I had, I fell onto the floor into just as deep of a sleep as she had. Liz and Peter decided not to make me wake up for their shifts, mainly because they couldn't. I wish they could have, though, because I was having the white rose dream again, except the demon girl was the one killing me.


"June, it's three o'clock in the afternoon. C'mon, wake up!" Peter was shaking me.

I groaned.


"Shut uuuup," I whined.



He began pulling at my hair, which he knew annoyed the heck out of me. I sat up, only to slap him, and fell back on the floor.

"C'mon! Mom and Dad are going to be back soon, and they know how out of character it is for you to do this. They'll get all suspicious. Go drink a Mountain Dew or something."

I sighed, smacked him again, and dragged my lazy self into the kitchen. I began rambling meaningless mutters on how I wasn't me anymore and maybe that demon-girl was right and blah, blah, blah. 

"Are you talking to yourself?" Ember questioned.

I glanced at the kitchen table, just now realizing that she was there.

"Mmm-hmm. I'm insane, remember?"

She grinned. "Not as insane as I am."

"Don't bet on it."

"Top of the morning, loves," Jasper said gleefully as he popped in.

"Ditto," I mumbled.

"Morning, Jasper," she added.

He flashed her a charming smile and she giggled. She was probably still thinking about calling him sexy by accident last night. Plus, she said it again in her sleep. I knew that neither was really flirting with the other; they were both just friendly. Plus, I wasn't the type to get jealous anyways.

Are you sure about that?

I gasped, spewing Mountain Dew on Ember. "Who said that?" I cried.

"Said what?" Jasper demanded. "What's wrong?!?"

"I was just thinking, and someone answered my thoughts. It wasn't either of you?"

They shook their heads simutaneously. "I can't read minds, June, that's just a made-up concept." Jasper added.

"It was a British voice...a British girl's voice..."


"It was the demon-girl."

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