Author's Note

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Okay, I just wanted to put this longer Author's Note at the end to thank some people more thuroughly and explain how My Immortal Phantom came along, but this isn't part of the story, so you do not have to read this. 

Okay, I want to thank my friends Caroline, Maddie, and Lizzie for supporting me and reading this and loving it. Also, you guys have really pushed me to keep writing this. I would probably have quit and restarted it fifty times if you hadn't like I've done with all my other stories. But you guys really pulled me through. So thanks and I love you (:

I also want to thank any readers out there that randomly came to this story on wattpad. I know my story doesn't have many reads compared to others, but altogether it almost has a thousand right now, and that's an accomplishment for me.

This story, in the beginning, I only did because I was asked to join wattpad because my friends think I'm this amazing author person and the world should see it or whatever. So I came up with the concept quite quickly, taking a few of my not-as-sick-as-some dreams and combining them to make this, and originally Jasper wasn't going to be a demon at all. June was still going to think he was an angel, but he was going to be the same type thing as Rex and Zoe. But once I got into it, I made Jasper kind of represent my problems in real life, and how I can overcome them and keep my relationship with God strong.

Most of you may look at my story and say it's some kind of dark, evil story and aaaah demons, and accuse me of not being a true Christian as I said on my profile. But that's the farthest from the truth. This story, to me, is about fighting off the devil's temptations to be a stronger Christian, which if you read inbetween the lines, is what June is doing the whole time. I've really enjoyed writing this story, and Part Two, I think, will be even better. So stick around, people! (:

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