Big Five-year Old

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*Author's Note: imma start putting pictures with my story (cuz i just found out i can do that, i'm still kinda new...) So yeah! hope u guys r liking(:

Btw, later it says half of the time, Ember likes the wierd-looking guys, yet she keeps saying that Jasper is hot. For clarification, Peter is ugly. Jasper is not. That's why it says half of the time.

Chapter Eleven: Big Five-year Old

"What are you talking about?!?"

"Well, you know, I'm not exactly a man like you seem to think, June..."

My eyes widened, and suddenly I felt as if a wave had crashed over me and knocked me onto my knees. I remembered. When to me, Jasper was an angel. An it. That's what he was...inhuman, despite how I'd been thinking.

"And you are a..." Ember prompted.

"I'm just a dead boy trying to get away from hell."

Liz and Peter groaned. "We knew that!" cried my brother. "Duh! That's the whole point!"

"Well, June didn't!" Jasper defended.

"I'm remembering..." I whispered.

"She's seeing reality...she remembers him trying to kill her..." Peter uttered hopefully.

"I'm remembering that he's an angel."

"Damnit, woman!" he cried. "So freaking close!"

"What? You thought I would think he was a demon? Just like that?"

"A really hot demon," Ember murmured.

"So have you, like, been to hell?" I questioned. "Are you like a fallen angel, or what?"

"To be honest, it's a lot more complicated than you four seem to think."

I frowned. "I've got time."

"Not exactly," Peter cut in, looking at the clock on the microwave. "Mom and Dad will be home in a few minutes."

Unexpectedly, I threw my arms around Jasper. He gasped, and I hadn't realized that he'd been leaving as I'd embraced him. I suddenly felt like Alice in Wonderland, falling with Jasper to wherever he disappeared to.

"What the--?" I screamed.

Jasper tightened his grip on me. "Hold on, it's going to be a bit of a bumpy ride!" he shouted.

It seemed to be hours--but, knowing my dramatic self, it could have been minutes--before we were on the ground and I let go of him.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I-I-I...I didn't m-m-mean to follow you...I was just gonna say bye..."

"I know."

"So what is this place?"

" know what limbo is?"

I gulped. "Where dead people go when they don't go to heaven or hell?"


"I smell blood!" a voice rang out.

My head snapped towards the direction of the voice, then buried my face into Jasper's chest as it neared.

"Um, yeah, it's her..." Jasper sputtered. "I kind of accidentally brought her here."

"Accidentally? How can you accidentally bring a breathing, live human here?"

I half expected her to yell, off with her head! 

"Well, Collins, don't just stand there. Bring her to me."

He nudged me, and I reluctantly moved towards the stern lady. She was less than five foot, and had bright blond hair which grey was streaking the roots. Despite her height, she was quite intimidating...or maybe I was just that shy.

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