Girl's night.

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It was nice to get out and away from Jeff, to be with my best friend. It was just going to be Sondra and I, which I was very fond of.

I loved going out with just Sondra. We'd roam the lighted streets of LA like we owed the whole city. It was a escape, some kind of freedom that we needed every now and then.

It took us about a half hour to figure out what we were going to do first. Another 30 minutes to get out of sh*tty traffic and find a perfect parking spot. But there was no "perfect" parking spaces. We had to park more than a block away from the restaurant we wanted to go to. It was called New Moon Restaurant. Sondra and I always went there, because who could pass Chinese food that tasted so great and delirious?

We parked, I grabbed my wallet and at the same time we both climbed out of the car. The sky was darkening, turning all sorts of cool colors; Dark purples to a very dark yellow. The Blues were perfect, they weren't the dole, ugly colors that would make you feel gloomy and tired. It was nice.

Sondra and I trekked through the gravel parking lot, towards the large sidewalk that was following up the road. Little shops were closing, and the restaurants smelled of different steaks or other kinds of amazing foods. Even the slight sweet smell of the ocean air mixed into it. I got the goosebumps for no apparent reason.

"You okay?" Sondra giggles, walking at my side.

This was a hard question to answer.. "Yeah, it's just.. We live in LA and just the smells and sights and noises make me so happy."

I probably sounded like an idiot, but I don't she doesn't even give a sh*t, Sondra's my friend. Best friend.

"I feel ya." Sondra patted my arm, and we laughed together.


"This rice is so good." I manage to get out of my mouth, sort of muffled from the mouthful of plain white rice that I just shoved into it.

Sondra stared at me from across the table, "You don't even put anything with it. Not even soy sauce.."

I know they say that Chinese food is all about taste, but plain rice was as good as anything else that was on their menu, "Guess what, I don't--"

"You don't give a sh*t." Sondra finished my sentence, smirking as she poked at her sesame chicken, "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t."

She knew me too well. The word that always flows out of my mouth is "sh*t". I think it started after I met Jeff, or maybe it was something else that I hadn't noticed.

"Sh*t, sh*tty, sh*t-sh*t." Sondra mocked me, even her voice changed.

I couldn't help but laugh. Some rice shot out of my mouth which scarred across the table. Sondra looked around at the empty restaurant to see if someone was staring.

Then I saw someone. Slightly staring into the window from across the room from our booth. I jumped. He looked so familiar.. It scared me. Like, as if someone came back alive from their grave or something.

The guy flicked his hood on, and right when Sondra turned to glance over he turned around, facing the street. The guy made me shudder.

"What?" Sondra glanced from the window to me.

"Just.. Give me a second." I stood up from the table, walking towards the door.

I opened the door, which squeaked a bit and slammed behind me when I Was out in the street walk. The man was still there, hooded in his black zip-up hoodie.

"Hello Uh, sir." I say, glancing over at him. I couldn't see his face. He was turned slightly so I couldn't make it out.

"Hey." A small and melodic voice called out from the hooded man.

Sondra peered over at me, watching as I spoke to the guy, a bit confused.

"You look very familiar." I say soothingly, and the small bell connected to the restaurants door jingled.

The guy started to walk away quickly, and I found Sondra behind me, "Do you know that person?"

"He looked familiar.." I say, looking over at her.

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