Dont Cry 3 Tears for Me

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My new book is out! You should go check it out! Also, I'd love to give a shout out to these Undead Lovelies, because their books are freaking amazing.


~Johnny 3 tears~

Ava was up. Her little feet padding across the tile floor in the kitchen was heard easily from my room. Asia was out for coffee, so I guess Ava and I had some time to ourselves. I smiled at the fact that I would be spending time with my baby today.

My door creaked open, making me open an eye, then peek over at the little blond girl that stood by the door. I sat up quickly, and she trotted over intently.

"Hey sweetie." I greet, standing up and picking her up fast.

Ava giggled as I tossed her in the air once. She was getting so big. It brought tears to my eyes to see her grow. Soon, she will be a young beautiful lady. I would never let a guy even touch her. But isn't that what every father wants to do?

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes?" She asks innocently, making a grin cross my face. I walk out of the room with her in my arms.

I sat her down on a chair at the dining table, and I rummaged through the cabinets for pancake mix.

"Blueberries? Chocolate chips?" I ask, and I see her head nod quickly, "Well, which one? Silly goose."

"Chocolate ships." Ava says, flailing her legs spontaneously.


There was literally no one at the park. No kids, no adults, no one. I watched as Ava basically frolicked towards the large play set. I took a seat on the wooden bench at the edge of the play area, watching as she climbed up the yellow ladder up to some platform.

Her wavy hair slightly flew in the small breeze as she maneuvered her way around the playground. My phone rang. It was Jorel.


"We're leaving tomorrow for tour." J announces, clearing his throat.

"What?! You could at least plan a week ahead, what the hell, man?" I say, slowly lowering my voice so that Ava wouldn't hear. She glanced over at me every now and then, but didn't seem to notice what I was talking about.

"I just found out, otherwise I would." Jorel said in his husky voice, then burped randomly.

"That's sick."

"I didn't feel it."

It was easy to know that he forced it out. I knew him too well, and it sounded forceful, "Bullsh*t."

"Hey, I know you're pissed off because we have to go tomorrow. It doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." Jorel snaps.

"You don't even know what it's like to leave your baby for a month," I say, gritting my teeth a bit, "I hate it."


I looked over to see Ava walking over, her face full of curiosity. I didn't really know how to tell her, but of course, she would know I'd have to go anyways.

"Yes?" I pull the phone away from my mouth as it still is up to my ear. Jorel continues to talk.

"You're leaving tomorrow?" She asks.

"I have to.. I didn't know honey." I say softly, shutting J-Dog up.

She looked up at me with innocent eyes, and smiled a bit, "Can I go? Pleeeeeease?"

This was difficult. I'd take her in a heart beat, but I just don't know what the guys would think. There would be no partying for us, well for me mostly. The concerts would be too much for Ava, to loud and too long.

"Can she come?"

"I don't know." J snorted, acting like I was stupid.

I looked at her in the eyes, then took her hand, "Maybe another time."

I could already see the tears welling up in her eyes. Sh*t. Why did it have to be so hard on both of us.

"Don't cry.. Don't cry," I soothed, pulling her into a hug and petting her hair, "I'll figure something out."

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