Up in Smoke.

388 27 13

Sorry I haven't been updating! I have writers block with this book.. >.<


"George, you have to take her, I have a work trip, and I know she wants to go with you more than she wants to come with me." Asia persuades Johnny, who sits on the couch in front of her.

Danny touches my shoulder lightly, telling me to sit while they argued some more.

"Who'd take care of her while we were on stage? Jeff and Sondra will be on stage with us, for the single--"

"Jeff isn't coming." I say.

"See? Sondra could take care of her! Right Sony?" Asia smiles, peering over at me.

"Yeah, why not?" I smile, looking over at Johnny.

Right then, Ava ran into the room without even noticing the conversation. She ran into George's massive arms, wrapping her tiny arms around his tatted neck.

"Come on.." Asia pleads, slightly hopping around.

"Okay." George sighs, then smiles at his little girl. I knew he was happy to take her. The way he showed his love to her was more than anything. "Guess who's coming with Daddy?"

"Me!" Ava threw her hands in the air, giggling happily, flailing her legs everywhere. It made me happy.


Denver, Colorado. Downtown Crown Hotel. Room 240 I think it was. Big large King sized bed with a large TV in the front of it, up against the wall. A small table in the corner next to the window, and the bathroom near the entrance.

I've been here a couple times, and it was probably the craziest concert that you could take part of. Citizens or other people who came down to see the concert were smoking weed, getting high or drunk just to have an even better time.

The flight was boring, and I could hardly sleep. Ava wouldn't stop kicking the sh*t out of my seat, and Danny was just-- well, being his flirty self. Dylan sat to the left of me while Danny was on the right, and all he would do is lean over me to talk to Daniel or jump in his seat excitedly. Maybe going to Denver was a bad idea.

I flopped down onto the fluffy bed. Danny walked into the room slowly, pulling our luggage in behind him. The door slammed and clicked shut. Silence, then the wheels of the suit cases rolling once more. I sighed, looking up at the rough ceiling.

Too bad I couldn't go watch them perform tonight. I had to stay at the hotel with Ava. We'd probably go to the pool they had later on, but I wasn't sure of it. I at least want to do something with her.

Daniel leaned over me like the tower of Pisa. He grinned mischievously and slowly collapsed on me dead weight. I groaned.

"Babe, I don't want to go.. I'm tired." He said calmly, lifting his head and turning to me so he could examine my face.

"I'm sorry.." I say, out of breath.

Daniel rolled off me, still looking at me. "Id rather just lay here and have a bottle of wine with you, watching a stupid movie.

I knew he loved performing, but he just got to lazy sometimes. I sat up, "Danny, I know you love singing. It's only a couple hours at least."

"True.. True.."

"So you get out there," I make two of my fingers walk across his stomach, then poke his chin lightly, "show them who's the golden beast and you come back here, and we can have wine."

Daniel chuckled softly, then leaned up to kiss me softly on the lips, "Alright."

Small Knocks came at the door. I lifted myself off the bed and opened the door. Ava and Johnny stood there, smiling. Ava jumped up and down, then ran into my arms, "Can we get ice cream, Sony?!"

"Yeah. Then after that, you wanna go swim?" I lean down to her eye level. She leaps with joy even more.

"Daddy, you can go now." Ava turns around, trying her hardest to push George out of the room. It's unsuccessful.

Danny chuckled, then kissed me before walking out the door. George went over what he's like done, which was eating before having ice cream, taking a bath or shower after swimming, and her bed time is at 8, but she could stay up till 9. He'd be at the hotel around 8, so that was probably why he let her stay up.

"Bye daddy! Love you!" Ava waved, then George left, closing the door behind him carefully.

I held her sticky hand as we walked towards the hotel. We had just gone around the corner to the small ice cream shop there, and thought it would be good exercise to just walk. We had already took a swim, ate and got her in the shower. By this time it was 8.

Ava got a homemade chocolate chip cookie dough in a small cone, which was probably soggy by now. The napkin wrapped around the cone handle was dripping of the ice cream, making it useless. We got into the lobby, then went straight to the elevators.

The guys should be at the hotel by now. I was ready to hear of what had happened, if there were any crazy fans that tried to jump onstage or tackle them. Maybe Dylan got to share a joint with a crowd member. Maybe Johnny fell offstage again.

We got to the room, then opened the door with the key. We both walked in, and something smelt really strong. The guys giggled dumbly in the room, and the smell became more noticeable.


Maybe I was just smelling something. I turned the corner to see the guys piled on the bed, laughing and giggling. I honestly had no idea what to say or do, because the smoke was more heavy as I approached. I got lightheaded, and felt myself spin a bit.

"Do you see that?" Daniel points to the uncolored wall, "It's rainbow!"

All the men were awed as they looked. They ran over, then started to pet the wall and feel it. I quickly turned around, taking Ava and pulling her out of the room.

Hollywood Undead were high.

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