Everybody in the world has to die.

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I slowly opened my eyes to find her laying right next to me, gazing at me. I smile, and she smiles back. Slowly, she scooted over, wrapping her arms around my neck. She leans in and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning." She says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." I say, wrapping my arms around her. She snuggles into my chest, and I rest my chin on her head gently.

After 2 minutes, there is a faint baby's cry coming from the other room. With a sigh, Sondra lifts her head up and stares at me with her blue eyes. "It was not easy getting her to sleep last night.."

"I'm sorry," I say, sitting up, "but you know how she is with me."

Sony stands up from the bed, brushing the strands that were left in her face. After, she walks out of the room into the hallway. I wait until she comes back. When she does, she holds the small bundle of joy in her arms and sits on the edge of the bed. I grin, and I move closer to the two of them.

"I'm glad you're okay.." I look at Sondra, and she turns her head to me, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

She leans into kiss me.

I jolt awake, sitting up from the bed. The sheets and comforter are twisted or lying on the floor, causing me to shiver slightly since I wasn't using them. I must've kicked them off in my sleep.

I quickly stand and about stumble over. I try to catch my balance, but when that happens I run into the dresser that was beside the bed. I hit my side on it, then catch the rest of me before anything else happens. Her soft cries fill the baby monitor, and I start to walk toward the door.

I mumble some words to myself, saying that none of that was real and that it was all a dream. Because it was. I trudge down the hallway towards my baby's room, my heart still racing and my mind still looking for answers. Once I reach her door, I slowly come back to reality and my heart sinks like a stone in water.

I open the door, and I walk in and scoop her up from her crib. After cradling her in my arms and rocking her, her cries come to a stop. I smile weakly, and kiss her head gently.

"You're alright Sondra," I whisper to her, "Daddy's got you."

It was still hard for me to believe that Sondra Calvert Murillo was gone. Her clothes were still here, her sent, and her furniture was here. The pictures of her and her family were still hung on the wall, our wedding photos were still there.

I sighed as I walked downstairs to the kitchen. It was quiet in the house as I gently bounced Sondra in my arms. She was very content at the moment. I started to make baby formula, then checked to see if she had a clean diaper. Sure enough, it wasn't empty. I walked up to her room, put her on her table, and changed out the diaper for a clean one. It wasn't a big mess, it was a simple job. I got done in a couple minutes.

I lifted her from the bed, then went back downstairs. The home phone rang, and I sighed. I listened to it as it rang all the way through, and once it reaches the voicemail a voice rang out from the speaker, "Hey, I know you're there, man. Could you just please pick up the phone--"

I took the phone from its stand, and I pressed a button to answer, "What, George..?"

"You answered the phone.." He said, pretty impressed.

"I was debating on it, though." I say, switching the phone to my other ear, "I just wish you could just leave me alone."

While he talked, I looked at how many voicemails I had from them. 50. The male robot voice started to ask questions loudly, asking if I wanted to delete the voicemails, and if so to press a certain button.

"--Are you listening to me?"

"Not exactly."

"Could you just listen for like, two seconds?"


"What I was saying; was that you should come over tonight. Everyone's here, Ava would love to see Sondra. Everyone would love to see you both, Daniel."

I paused, and looked down at Sondra. Her blue eyes were open, and she stared up at me. She wore her little footy pajamas that Ava had gotten her days ago, after we got out of the hospital. They were a light blue with pink flowers all over them.

"Listen, we are all mourning too. Hell, Lillian can hardly take it anymore. They were best friends since-- forever.. I miss her.. We all miss her," he took a breath, "Josh.. He's.. Terrible too.."

"It's so.. Hard for me.. Do you know what some of her last words were?"

"Everybody in the world has to die.." We both say at the same time, and it goes silent for a couple seconds.

"Everybody in the world has to f*cking die.." Johnny repeats, adding a word.

"Fine, I'll go." I say, then hang up.

Kiss My Undead Soul (Hollywood Undead FanFic) ~DannyWhere stories live. Discover now