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Jorel put his hood over his head before he got out of his car. He put gloves over his hands to cover his tattoos, so that it would be harder for fans to notice.

We've been through this like a million times, but I still didn't get why he had to hide himself when he loved his fans and such. It must've been because he was to busy to deal with fans. We started walking across the busy parking lot to Walmart.

Walmart was the most terrible store in America. The restrooms were a nightmare. Trust me, it's so nasty that I don't even want to explain it. Shoplifters easily got away from the store with heck, a large flat screen TV in their hands! It was crazy. No one really watched the doors for that to happen.

We walked towards the automatic doors, a mom and a 2 or 3 year old in front of us holding hands as they walked. We went through the doors, and since we didn't need much we just grabbed a old blue scratched up basket.

"Excuse me sir, but do you know where all the food should be?" The mom asks Jorel, and the little kid pulls away from her and walks towards the doors. She didn't really care it seemed.

"I haven't really been to this Walmart yet, but it should be in the back of the store or something." Jorel shrugs, and a high-pitched scream comes from the little kid.

I turn to look, seeing the kids hand stuck between the automatic door and the other glass that keeps it from being flimsy. The lady sighed and quickly made her way to the toddler, and pulled him out quickly.

"I told you not to go by those doors!" She scolds, and she turns to us, holding her child's hand tightly now, "Sorry, that's not his first time getting stuck in the damn automatic doors.."

I tried hard not to laugh. Maybe just walking away and laughing would be better than laughing in front of them. Little kids were so ignorant to the world. They had no idea why they were in the world until they reached 5. They were so curious about everything, like a caveman with fire.

In a minute, Jorel finished his conversation with the lady. He caught up with me, and we walked to the shampoo and other bathroom belongings section. The hair dye was on the left side, and I went to it.

"What blonde?" I asked as Jorel walked to me. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Blonde-blonde." He says, and I grab the brightest one there is. We walk into the other aisle to grab contacts.

We took brown eye contacts. I followed Jorel to the back of the store where some of the toys and such were. Why was he even back here?

"I told Johnny I'd get something for Ava." Jorel sighs, walking down the pink aisle of girl toys. Barbie dolls were hung on hooks and there were My Little Pony, Littlest Per shop, all the things that little girls wound possibly want.

I smirked, and I ran down the aisles toward the bikes. This was childish of me to think of it, but maybe it'll give someone or me a laugh. Luckily, there was a bike out in the middle of an aisle. With training wheels. I sat on the tiny thing and started pedaling. I went around an aisle to Jorel, and he stared at me confusedly as I about took his legs out.

"What the hell are you doing?" He started laughing as he pulled a Littlest Pet Shop cat off the shelf.

"I'm bored."

"We gotta go in a bit," he said, "you won't be bored then."

He threw the package carelessly in the basket, and something caught his eye. He branded something out of a pile which was a Jesus doll. J looked so humored and confused at the same time. J started to laugh. I couldn't help but take a picture of him holding it while raising an eyebrow. Lovely.

Before he put it back, I was gone. I rode the small bike down the back aisle towards all the bean bags and banana chairs. I could feel Jorel chasing after me. He was laughing his ass off, so I decided to laugh as well.

"Why are you so f*cking weird?!" He beamed, and I stopped to sit in a really fluffy bean bag. He sat with me.

"Normal is boring."

Jorel smiled, and he looked into my eyes, "Well, at least you're not lying."

We just stared at each other for about 2 minutes. It was a bit awkward, let's put it that way. Yet, it was nice to look into his chocolate eyes. I could feel him lean in closer. I knew what he was doing. Then his lips pressed against mine.

Maybe Walmart wasn't a great play to kiss in public, especially when you're right next to the kid's aisle. Someone would stop us if they saw us, unless it was a kid alone. Why would a little kid be unsupervised?


Jorel and Rylee ran into the door like a bunch of kids and chased one another around the house. Josh got knocked over by J as he passed him, and fell flat on the floor.

"No! Don't tickle me!" Rylee screamed, and a thump came from the living room. Then laughter.

Danny ran into the living room to see what was going on.

"Guys, come on! We gotta get him transformed before her parents get here!" Danny shouted. It sounded as if they were trying to make him transform into a werewolf or something.

I walked into the living room, seeing Jorel straddling Rylee while he tickled her. He stopped and looked up. Rylee panted, and he quickly got up, pulling her with.

They followed Dang to the bathroom while I picked Joshua up from the floor. We walked to the bathroom where everyone crowded. Both of us waddled in towards the bath, and we started taking the shower head down and wetting his hair. We got the dye in his hair, then let it set.

"Is there still some in there?" Danny poked his head over my shoulder, looking at the tube of dye.

"Yeah, enough to dye someone else's hair.." I look over at him and my eyes widen. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Let's dye my hair then!" He exclaims, pecking my lips.

"Later." I say, and he gives me a pout face. "I love you, but not now."

A few minutes later, we finish Josh's hair and I blow dry it. He didn't like it at all. It kept hanging in his face as I dried it, and he would grown, basically throwing a fit like a two year old.

He put the contacts in his eyes, then blinked a bit to get used to them. It was crazy. Joshua looked like a whole different person. Everyone stared at him as I pushed him out of the bathroom.

"Wow.." Rylee gasped, and J gave him a thumbs up.

"Your name is Ellis." I say to him. He nods as he takes a seat on the couch. He was petrified.

"Ellis, what? Ellis Porter??" Daniel sits next to him. I nod.

He just made up that name. It actually fit him. It was very interesting.

Kiss My Undead Soul (Hollywood Undead FanFic) ~DannyWhere stories live. Discover now