Crazy coffee shop and the zoo.

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This chapter is for my lovely friend, Decaying_Hearts . Also because I wanna write more about her. She has amazing FanFictions and I'd love it if you go follow her and read her stories. If you're too lazy to go check them out, then something's wrong with you because you only have to tap on her username and boom. You're in her profile and you can find her stories right there.

Random quote: "I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things.." -Run, AWOLNATION.


I sat at a table outside of Starbucks, waiting for Rylee. She said that she's be late for coffee due to traffic. The traffic was terrible today. Sunday's were usually like that because church, and also it was the weekend.

I waited for more than an hour before she came jogging towards me. A smile came across my face after standing up. Rylee jumped onto me, clinging onto me like a spider monkey. Unexacting her "attack", I slowly started toppling over. Fortunately my head didn't bounce off the sidewalk. My back was sure hurting though.

I sat their groaning as she sat on me, basically squishing my cheeks making me feel chubby. Rylee laughed her ass of from it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, she took my hat off and stuck it on her head.

People walked passed us, staring down at us as if something was wrong. A little kid on a leash crouched next to me and poked my arm. Their mom later ran over and picked her up, then quickly walked away. Nothing was wrong.

A guy with a blue tooth in his ear passed. He stared us down as he slowly passed, and I saw the agitation in Rylee's face. Before I knew it, she was shouting over at him.

"What the hell is wrong with us, huh? Would you like it if I stared you down, f*ck-face?!"


Rylee flipped him the bird, making me sigh. I was trying my best not to laugh, but it was just too funny. The guy instantly turned around, looked forward and walked away. I sat up, then lifted Rylee off me. I picked her up bridal style, then started walking into the Starbucks. Which was a bad choice.

He head hit the doorway as we walked in, making me instantly react. I sat her in the nearest chair and touched her head. I blushed from embarrassment since I just hurt my girlfriend on accident. People stared at us and covered their mouth. Great.

"I'm so f*cking sorry. God, I feel like a major dick." I slowly, pulling her to my chest as she put a hand on her head where I basically bashed it in.

I continued coaxing her. Rylee soon wrapped her arms around me, hugging my torso as I kissed her head a billion times.

"It's fine.." She told me softly, "Just remember to never do that again."

This made me chuckle, "I won't."

"And you're not a major dick." She includes.

I lifted her chin up so Rylee would face me, "You okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"


"Good." That's when I leaned down to kiss her soft lips. Her smile was felt in between the kiss.

Rylee pulled away with a grin. I pointed at the cashier, who was staring at the tip jar anxiously it seemed, "I'll get us drinks. What would you like?"

"Caramel latte?"

I nodded and headed over. When I got there, the cashier hadn't notice me. She was still staring at the tips.

"Excuse me?" I cleared my throat.

It was like she was in a different world. No one was in the world, nothing was except for that tip jar. The girl was pail in the face, which shook me a bit.

"Ma'am?" I politely say.

"Do you see them?" She quietly responds, still with her eyes on the tip jar.


"Lacy! Get your damn head out of the clouds and take the guys order!" Another worker clapped his hands in her face, and she snapped her head up looking at me.

She was probably on drugs..

"How may I help you?" Lacy kept the same face that she used while examining the tip jar. It was like she was looking straight through me.

"Can I get a caramel latte and a.. Just a normal coffee please."

No answer. Just staring. I waved a hand in front of her, and then she screamed. It made me and everyone else in the coffee shop jump. The guy who yelled at her came to put a hand on her shoulder, but she turned around and slapped him across the face. Another worker wrapped their arms around her arms and carried her outside. I watched speechless.

She was definitely on drugs.

"Sorry.. She was probably on drugs or something.. She's been different for the passed 5 days."


"So, your order sir?"

I repeated what I wanted, and a couple minutes later they gave me the drinks. Rylee watched as I made my way over to the table with her drink in my hand. It was pretty obvious on what she was doing staring at me. She was trying to get an answer out of me from the incident. All I did was shrug.


The zoo was rather intriguing. Usually it was about learning about animals or getting souvenirs from their pricy gift shops. The thing was; I was with J-Dog from Hollywood Undead. It was more than just an educational tour now. It was more like a "who gives a sh*t" type of thing.

I jumped on Jorel's back as we made our way into the nocturnal animal habitat. There were people flooding from inside, indicating that there were tons of people already crammed in it.

As I lay my head on Jorel's shoulder as he gave me a piggy-back ride, he pecked my cheek sweetly and lovingly. Some visitors of the zoo smiled at us, probably thinking, "what an adorable couple!"

I know right?

The sign for the nocturnal habitat building read, "please be quiet" which was a very misheard rule. The place was already surrounded in toddler hollers and small baby screams.

J sat me down gently, then grabbed my hand soon after. I grinned as we made our way through the dark room. The smell of feces was faint from the animal exhibits as we passed by. Jorel peered over at me before full on kissing me.

"Is that.. J-Dog?"

"Oh my god, it is! J, can we get your autograph?" Another voice exclaimed over to us.

Jorel pulled away, staring at me, "We've seen almost every animal there is, right?"

I nod, we start sprinting out of the place. We get out of the habitat and dash through people at the zoo. I'm pretty sure I accidentally knocked over a kid. Oops.

The fangirls ran after us, and by now we were out in the parking lot. They kept going after us.

"I can't find my car!" J exclaimed as we threaded through the vehicles. They were right behind us.

He clicked a button on his car keys, which lit up the head lights and tail lights of the car. It was easily spotted. We ran towards it, and Jorel slid across the good to the driver's side. Show off.

I quickly got into the passenger side and before I could get my seatbelt on, we were off. All the fans stopped dead in their tracks and watched as we drove out of the parking lot. J-Dog looked very guilty and sad for them, but then I said, "They need to calm their shiz."

"More like their tits." We both burst into laughter. This was probably one of the best days yet.

Pretty long chapter I think! I am very proud of myself! I hope you enjoyed it!!

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