You could call it love.

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Rylee Murillo is Decaying_Hearts just so you all know. She has amazing books, you should go check them out!!


My home phone rang in the living room. The melody was the most aggravating thing in the world. It had a shrill ring to it that made me cringe every time it went off. Slowly, I shook the sleep away but was too late to answer the phone. The voicemail went on, and a husky voice spoke.

"Hey Ry, I Uh, was just wondering what was going on for today. I kinda wanted to hang out with you're beautiful... Presence. Give me a call-- oh, I tried texting you also. Are you asleep? Bye."

Jorel. I sighed, flipping over in my comfy fleece sheets towards my nightstand. The alarm clock read in red numbers, "1:00". My eyes about bulged out of my head. It surprised the hell out of me. I never slept in that long. My phone was face down next to the small black clock, so I snatched it up. There were about 10 texts from J.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Lol, you there?"

"Are you awake?"


"Ry, please answer me.. 😞"


"You're asleep, aren't you?"



"You awake yet?"

He was a dork. Jorel was worse than when my mom called and I didn't answer, yet better at the same time since he never yelled at me.

He was such a flirt as well. I loved it though. It was more entertaining to hang out with him when he flirted. J and I almost hung out every single day, even if it was just sitting around at his house watching movies or just.. Literally sitting there.

We'd find whatever was possible to do. Sometimes we would sneak into water parks (I don't even know why, because he had enough money to get us in, maybe it was part of the fun?), go to the skate park, go get coffee, anything you could possibly think of.

I decided to text him back:

"I can't believe I slept that long!"

I got up quickly, rushing to my closet. I took a shower last night, which probably made me drowsier than I usually would be before bed.

My foot somehow caught on the rug in the middle of the floor, causing me to stumble and fall. It was like i slow motion, which was weird. If only I could stop myself from hitting the floor so clumsily. Thank god there was no one around to see me totally collapse. Good think it wasn't Jorel.

Buzz, buzz.

My phone. After laying on the floor for a couple of seconds, I quickly got up to read the text:

"No kidding. What's up for today?"

Me: "I don't know yet."

The ear piercing ringtone cried out once again. I dashed down the hall, slipping and sliding before stepping into the soft, squishy carpet of my living room. The phone kept ringing, then finally I answered.


"Hello--" there was a crash from somewhere. Danny sighed, and I heard him pull the phone away from his face, "What the hell is going on down there?!"

"Babe, Josh broke a cup!" Sondra's faint shout was heard. Daniel groaned.

"Sorry. I'd like you to come over today--"

"But Jorel wanted to hang out.." I whine.

"Sis, Sondra's parents are coming over, they want to meet you. They want to meet me!" He chuckles, then whispers, "She says it's not like them to do so."

"Can Jorel come? Please?" I begged. I felt like a little 5 year old bagging to eat cookies before dinner.

There was a long pause. All I could hear was Sondra's excited voice carry in the background. She's never even sounded that happy. It was very interesting.

"Josh, if you don't want them to see you.."

Josh? Who was she talking to? I remember her telling me that her brother died 7 years ago, so how could it be him? Maybe it was just another guy named Josh.

"Sure. Fine. Make sure he's wearing a sweatshirt or long sleeves to cover his tattoos." Danny sighed.

I understood him. He didn't want Jorel to show his inn appropriate tattoos that he had doodled across his arm. Well, it wasn't really a doodle, but you get the point.

I hung up after our goodbyes, and texted Jorel:

"Going to meet Sondra's family. You are able to come with, just make sure to wear something that can cover up your tattoos."

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