California, Let's get buzzed..

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A beer can was thrown across the room. I ducked before it could skim the top of my head. Charlie. War Child was blasting through the house as everyone drank or chugged their beers. Rylee was sitting beside me, slightly wobbling back and forth. Danny was nowhere to be found, and I frowned.

Joshua was cracking jokes with Jordon, making all of them laugh and howl like hyenas. Jorel started to walk over to Rylee, then kissed the top of her head.

"No sex in the house," I slur, not even noticing that I was even that drunk, "use protection."

J just stared at me confusedly, acting like I was a total dumb ass. I decided to narrow my eyes and watch him. It was pretty funny to intimidate him. He turned and instantly walked away. I giggled.

Rylee smacked my arm gently as he went back to the others. Beer cans scattered across the floor and sat empty on the tables. I hiccuped.

"Where the hell is your brother?!" I shout over the music, and Rylee shrugs. I instantly get up to make my way up the stairs. Not a good idea.

There were more stairs that I could possibly imagine. I don't remember there being over 30 steps. It was a challenge staggering up the steep stairs.


I stood at the top of the stairs, watching Sony crawl up them. I sighed, then ran halfway down the stairs to assist her. She threw her arms around me, causing me to slightly lean back.

"Hun?" I ask, picking her up and walking carefully down the stairs.

Sondra panted like she had ran 2 laps around the house. As I made it down the 14 stairs, she said, "There's too many stairs."

"What?" I chuckle, setting her down on the couch. Rylee walked over drunkly.

"Don't invite Scene over, he pees at sleepovers." Rylee yawns, then stretches before throwing herself onto the couch.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Charlie Scene exclaimed. She flipped him off without even looking at him. I snorted.

"We're out of beer, Daniel!" FunnyMan shouts. I groan.

"God-damn it, why did you all have to f*cking come over? I'm not drinking any of the beer, nor did I pay for it. Why don't you get your own?"

"'Cause we're at your house."

"I don't give a sh*t! You go out there and get the beer!"

Josh stood up with a sigh, almost looking the most sober out of the bunch. "I'll get some."

"If you insist. Be my guest, Brother-In-Law." I bow to him as the others chuckle.

"I'll go with him." Sondra instantly seemed sober as she popped up from the couch.

A thin, metallic sound cracked and echoed lightly in the house. Jorel instantly stood up, then made eye contact with Rylee. An empty beer can hit the back of his head perfectly. Rylee giggled nonchalantly before J-Dog dashed and pounced over the couch, tackling her. They rolled off the couch in an instant with laughter.

"I SAID NO GOD-DAMN SEX IN MY HOUSE!" Sondra screams, making me instantly cover her mouth. They ignored and laughed.

Before even taking his first step off the stool, Jordon instantly tumbled off and face planted into the tile floor. The others didn't really know how to react, so all they could do is exchange worried yet amused glances. He lay there, not moving a muscle.


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