XI. Yeah, I'm Gonna Skip The History Lesson.

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act one: finding everything and nothing

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act one: finding everything and nothing.
▌chapter eleven . . .
yeah, i'm gonna skip
the history lesson.

"I can only imagine how many questions you have for me." Rosalind spoke.

"Yeah, just a few." Bloom chuckled.

"I've only got one for you. Do you have any idea how special you two are? Do you wanna learn a new trick?"

"Right- Right now?"

"You need to know where you came from Bloom and I need to get out of here. Now, access the powers inside you." Magnolia conjures her powers. "Your instincts are telling you those powers will hurt you. Your instincts are wrong. Grab into it."

She begins guiding them and told them to touch the barrier but it wouldn't work. "It's not working."

"Touch the barrier again. You've got this." Rosalind said.

Bloom and Magnolia touch the barrier once again and it begins to dissolve. "You need food, water, rest." Bloom said grabbing Rosalind.

"No. I need magic." Rosalind said. "You." She said pointing at Magnolia. "Go back to your suite. You will be needed again later."

She nods and goes back to the suite. "Endangering the lives of your classmates." She heard Professor Harvey say as she walked in.

"What's going on?"

"Someone snitched on us." Stella said.

"Sit down." Professor Harvey said to Magnolia, she throws herself beside Stella. "Releasing Rosalind? Do you have any idea what you've done? I'd say I'm disappointed in you, but this goes way beyond that."

"You lied again." Terra said angry but sad.

"Excuse me?" Professor Harvey said before leaving.

"About Rosalind. About Aster Dell. About everything. And you're angry with me? You can't punish me for not knowing something that you didn't tell me. It doesn't make any logical sense." Terra exclaimed.

They all turn to Professor Harvey. "Well, I suggest you all cool down." He said leaving.

Magnolia goes and tries to open the door. "He's used his magic to seal the doors."

"I caught him in a logic trap, and he's used his magic to ground us." Terra said.

"That means you've won."

"He's overwhelmed."

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" Magnolia asked Aisha.

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