After - Part 1

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*Luciano's point of view*

For weeks, all I've managed to do is lay in my bed and look up at the ceiling. Feeling empty, or as if there is a hole in my heart and a pit in my stomach every time I think about... her. For the first few days, the only person with the audacity to bother me was Ella. Everyone knows how angry I get when I'm already mad or full of any emotion for that matter. Other than joy of course, but I think everyone in my house knows that's not what I'm feeling. Everyone obeys my request for isolation except Ella. She couldn't care less about what I wanted; she does as she wishes and she gets away with it, seeing as she's the baby of the family. I have a weak spot for her. I could yell at anyone in my family except for her. 

She sat in my room for two days straight after I found out about what happened the night of the gala. I repeatedly asked her to leave but she kept yelling at me, insisting I make things right with her. Insisting that she didn't know what she was doing, or that it was Andrew that made the move. I don't care. I sat there, listening to her talk, without actually listening to her talk. A few days passed, and she eventually stopped trying. 

I was alone every day from morning to night. I didn't leave my room, except once every night at 3-4 am when I knew everyone else was asleep, so I wouldn't run into anyone and be bothered. My tv was running almost 24/7. I never really watched it, but it was background noise to kill the deadly silence. Also, SpongeBob comes on each night at 3:30 am, so I use this as my alarm to get up and go get food and water so I don't starve to death on top of everything else. I lay in bed, as usual, but earlier I shifted right a bit so I could look out the window and gaze up at the stars. Beats staring at the fucking ceiling. I heard SpongeBob's high pitched voice ring in my ears, so I slowly puttered out of bed and grabbed my phone to use as a flashlight. I made my way downstairs as I always do. When I made it to the kitchen, I threw my phone on the counter and left for a moment to grab a drink. I walked down the hall and turned on the lights for the bar. I poured myself a glass of bourbon and downed it quicker than usual. This whole thing is getting old. 

"Brother," said Andrew. 

I rested my hands on the bar, leaning onto it, as I turned my head to face the den. Andrew's sleazy ass was sitting on my chair, I might add, and sipping a glass of rum. When I looked over he raised his glass at me, and I narrowed my eyes in response. 

"Get out of my sight," I mumbled, clenching the bar table tightly with my hands to avoid the urge to punch him in the nose. 

He chucked a little, taking another drink from his glass. His big ego is more annoying than I can describe. I looked away and started to pour myself another drink. 

"You still angry little brother? Don't you think it's time we both move past this foolish little disagreement we're having?" 

I smashed the bottle on the table. I noticed him flinch from my peripheral vision. I turned to face him as I started to approach the den. He put his glass down on the table beside my chair. He put his arms out, in a 'what are you gonna do' sorta way. 

"You underestimate me, brother," I responded, mocking him. I made it a foot away from the chair he sat in, looking down at him, waiting for him to stand up in front of me; which he did. I was taller than him, so I towered over his face to make eye contact with him as I grind my teeth and tilted my head slightly.

"There's nothing foolish about what happened. About what you did to me and my relationship. Or what you did to Sofia." I licked my lips and started to back away, trying to calm my anger, in hopes of not causing a scene and waking everyone.

"You mean what your girl and I did to each other?" 

I swung my head back around to face him. I've never been so filled with rage in my life. I charged towards him and grabbed him by his sweater, smashing him against the wall. I could hear the drywall crack behind his back. I held him pinned to the wall and pushed him harder into it every time he tried to push back. 

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