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*Present time*

*Luciano's point of view*

Today was clearly looking up. I was in the bathroom, tending to my hand, which was a little bruised and cut up due to the intense amount of pounding it took from Andrew's face. I ran it under some cold water then wrapped a cloth around it. I took another cloth and moistened it, dabbing at the small cut on my cheekbone from the one punch Andrew managed to get in. My phone started to ring from my bedroom. I turned off the tap and threw the cloth on the table, walking over to my phone to see who it was.

My heart sank to my feet. All the joy I was feeling was quickly erased. I don't know if I was angry or worried, but seeing Sofia's name on my phone made my emotions stir. Why would she be calling me now? And at almost 4 am... I stood in front of it and watched it ring for a few seconds before I picked it up and slid to answer. I slowly lifted the phone to my ear and instantly heard really loud music playing in the background.


"LUCIANO! Wow, I reaaaaally didn't think you would answer..."

She was slurring her words and talking funny. Like she did when she drank too much that one time at Elio's party. She was drunk, and god knows where with God knows who.

"Okay, listen sir. I know that you think that you're the hunk or something. HULK or something, but look, I'm doing just fine without you here, ALLL byyy myself. With no one to protect me," she giggled and then sighed.

"Although, I do miss holding on to your biceps because you got reaaally nice biceps. Anyway, I would like you to know, that I am wearing a bitty itty, or itty bitty red dress and I look really hot, and I'm sorry you can't see for yourself."

I got more frustrated with every word she spoke. She sounded like she was about to pass out, but somehow at the same time, she sounded full of energy. I hope she's not actually by herself. The thought of her being out at a club without me there with her made my heart beat even faster than before.

"Sofia, who are you with? Tell me where you are."

"Look who wants to know. Mr. Bossy. Listen up! You broke up with me mister. So you can have yourself a nice life. I'm gonna go, uh... Find someone to drive me home because, between you and me, it's way too loud in here. HEY YOU! Do you have a car?" The phone call ended.


I whipped my phone onto the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. What the fuck do I do? I know she's not my girlfriend anymore, but the thought of anything happening to her... I picked up my phone and tried to find her location, but her tracker was off. I quickly called one of my fathers people, knowing that was my last resort. He answered right away, despite it being the middle of the night. Loyalty is one thing you can count on in this business.

"I need you to find a way to track Sofia's phone. Find someone, do whatever the fuck you have to, get me her location within the next ten minutes," I hung up without even giving him the opportunity to respond. I know he'll do it. He's the best in the business.

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