The Moonlight

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*Luciano's point of view*

I gritted my teeth together, trying to keep a straight face as Dr. Agreste did his exam. He poked and prodded at everything that was hurting. I know he's just doing his job, but at this moment, I could punch him. Obviously, I didn't. When he was finally done, he left the room, advising me to rest for a few hours. I sat up on the edge of the bed, about to call Milo and ask him to come over so I can ask him what the fuck happened. I heard a light knock on the door. I looked up to see Sofia leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed over each other. I just stared at her, and she did me. Our eyes burning holes in each other's souls. I licked my lips subconsciously. A moment passed and she shook her head slightly, almost like she was snapping herself out of a trance.

"It's Elio's he's... awake," her words wiped the expression off my face. She smiled, motioning me towards her. I saw tears welling up in her eyes. Mine did the same. I looked away, closing my eyes and letting my head hang back. I took in a few deep breaths, allowing the weights to lift off of me. If something happened to Elio because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself. After a moment of me processing what has happened, I opened my eyes to see that Sofia was turning around to leave.

"Sof," I said before even thinking about it. She turned around right away, waiting for me to say something. Her arms still crossed over each other, with her long, wavy brown hair flowing over them like a curtain. Looking at her made me more defenceless than I would like to admit. By that, I mean that she tears down all the walls that I put up. Even after all this time, I feel nothing but attraction towards her. Pure affection and love for her. I don't think she knows that though. Lost in my thoughts, I realized that she was waiting for a response. I just shook my head, then started to get up off the bed slowly, making faces from the pain.

 "Never mind," I said.

She sighed, letting her hands drop to her sides. She tucked her hair behind her ears and walked back inside the room. She grabbed the wheelchair and pushed it over to me, waiting for me to sit in it. I looked at the chair then up at her. I tilted my head, then shook it. She rolled her eyes at me, followed by a loud sigh.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so pushy?"

"I'll call the doctor on you."

I jerked my head back, furrowing my eyebrows; followed by a smirk.

"Who, Agreste?" I laughed a little under my breath. "I think he's scared of me." She giggled at my remark. The sound of it brought joy to my heart. I've been so preoccupied with work that I haven't noticed how badly I miss having her around. Or just having her, period. She nodded at me, scrunching her nose.

"I think he's just intimidated," she said, crossing her arms again. It's almost like her doing that is putting a wall between us. I didn't like it, it was driving me crazy. I glanced down at her arms, and as she noticed, she fixed her posture. It's almost like she's intimidated by me as well.

"Yeah, he should be," I said in response. "Let's go, I need to see my brother." I gave in to her pressure, sitting in the wheelchair. Since I couldn't move it myself due to the sling, she did it for me. Which was just as awkward as I anticipated. The way to his room was silent. She pushed the chair, and I just sat there, looking around the halls of the hospital. When we finally approached his room, Sofia walked in front of me and slid open the door, revealing my brother and the girls sitting and talking. He looked over at us right away, I shook my head, smiling the biggest smile I could manage.

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