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*Luciano's point of view*

My heart started racing, as I tried to scramble together an excuse. My brain flooded with possible things I could say, each one sounding more ridiculous than the next. The longer I wait, the more made up it'll sound. I tried to steady my tone to seem calmer, but couldn't even fool myself.

"Sof." I approached her slowly, but she put a hand out, stopping me; her other hand holding up her towel. I did as she demanded. She pointed to the table, indicating that she wants a response. I took a deep breath and I let out whatever rolls off my tongue.

"Ever since my father left for his trip, I've been... running point. Before he left, he told me about the dangers of the business. The dangers of being the boss."

"Like getting robbed and shot?" She questioned, looking at my injured arm.

"Yeah, exactly." I hate lying to her. But the alternative is even worse. I turned around and motioned towards the table of weapons. "I had Milo purchase all of this. It's just for assurance Sofia. When you're in charge of a multi-million dollar brand, there's no telling who's gonna be after you," I said, waiting for her reaction.

"Why are there knives then?"

"Well, that is a question for Milo. He's a little over the top." I tried to sound as calm and inviting as possible. I said it with a small smile, finally approaching her once again. This time she didn't stop me. She still looked worried though. She broke eye contact with me to stare back at the table. I pulled her into my grasp, embracing her. Her head dug into my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist. I wrapped mine around her as well, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"Have you ever shot someone?"

all the time...

"Sofia... no."

I felt her nod into my chest. The uneasy feeling lifting. I kissed the top of her head, still holding her tight. This was a close call, but all it did was remind me of the reality. I have a new life now. And being with her won't be as easy as it was before. I have to work every day, and no way to explain where I'm disappearing to. Thinking about it now, with her in my grasp, makes me want to forget about all the problems that the near future has to hold. I will do everything in my power to make sure she's happy and safe. And prioritized. Always.

"I'll call Jeffrey, he'll get rid of it."

"It's okay, don't rush him. We're leaving anyway."


She turned around and proceeded to find a suitable outfit. She landed on a t-shirt and an old pair of sweatpants that she used to wear all the time. I find myself gazing at her every chance I get. She makes me feel like a whole different person. When I'm talking to other people, all I feel is angry, but with her, I want to let my guard down. I caught myself smiling at her, while she fixed her hair.

"You look better in my clothes than I do."

You Broke Me FirstTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang