Long Drive

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*Sofia's point of view*

My heavy eyelids fluttered open slowly, being instantly stung by the blinding light that entered through the large window. Luciano always slept with the blinds open. At his house, he has an automatic system that rolls a black cover over the windows just before the sun fully rises. That way, he could admire the moonlight, but not be woken up by the light of the morning. Every aspect of his house was high-tech that way, as one would expect.

I pulled the blanket over top of my eyes, shielding them from the light. My phone was under my pillow, so I pulled it out to check the time. I noticed it was still really early, so tried falling back asleep; a few minutes passed, and with no luck, I removed the covers from my face and turned around to face Luciano's bed. When I looked over, no one was there. I scanned the room. Empty. I sat up on my bed and yawned, looking down at my clothes. I was wearing his clothes. The last time I was wearing one of Luciano's shirts is the day he found out about everything. I remember looking down, watching my tears trickle onto his sweatshirt.

A moment later, the bathroom door handle wiggled open, Luciano walking out. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants. The parts of his chest that weren't covered in gauze were glistening in the sunlight. Without meaning to, I found myself scanning his body, from bottom to top. Thankfully he was texting someone, so he didn't notice. His head hanging down to look at his phone caused his medium-length hair to flop down over his forehead. His hair was longer now than it was when we were together, though his hair was usually always gelled back; which I assume it is now as well if this were regular circumstances. I looked away just before he glanced up from his phone.

"Hey," he muttered. Even from one word, I could tell he was clearly in more pain than he was in last night. I assume he hasn't taken the painkillers since they gave it to him last. Once again, his stubbornness does more harm than good.

"Morning," I replied. He nodded with a small smile, before looking back down at his phone, as it continued to vibrate.

"For fuck sakes," he swore harshly, but under his breath. He shook his head, before throwing his phone onto the bed. He looked at me and shook his head, releasing a loud sigh. I shot him a pitiful smile.

"Trouble in paradise?" I said jokingly, without thinking about it. Of Course, that was implying that he had a girlfriend. I'm so dumb, it's almost like I forgot who I was talking to.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped. I shook my head, too stunned to think of an answer.  Barely a moment passed, and his expression softened, as he took a couple of steps in my direction, sitting down on the bed across from mine.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." I just nodded in response. He grabbed his shoulder and started pressing at it in pain.  

"Well maybe if you took the pain meds, you'd be less on edge."

"I doubt it"

"How do you feel?"

"I'm alright."

"Do you know how Elio's doing?"

"Better than they expected, or so I heard. We can go visit him, get dressed"

I smiled out of relief. Dr. Agreste said that as long as he makes it through tonight, it'll only go up from there. "Good." I grabbed my clothes from yesterday from the table beside my bed and went to the bathroom to change. When I got back, Luciano was dressed as well. Seeing him injured like this is the last and worst thing that I ever could have imagined happening, but for some reason, at this moment it made him even more attractive. Mostly because he wasn't the type to bitch about any sort of pain he was enduring; he's the strongest person I know. And it seems even more now than when I knew him before.

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