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Chapter five, let's go.


He winked at me, turned, and left.

"I don't like him one bit," I stated, staring at his retreating back.

"Why? Is it because he is like you?" Jo mocked.

"Who is he?" Renee asked.

"Nobody is like me!" I revolted.

"Who is he?"

"I like him, he is touching you in places no one ever did," Jo continued.

"What do you mean? His voice alone makes me cringe and not in fear, in anger. I just met him today and can tell that he is arrogant, proud, spoilt..." Everything about him annoyed me.

"Exactly!" Was Jo's simple reply. All I wanted to do is wipe that smirk off her face.

"WHO. THE HELL. IS HE?" Renee burst out.

"Gee! Calm down Renee. Ellen what did you give her?" Jo accused me.

"I didn't give her nothing. She went few rounds with Jontae that's all. I must say she liked it," I upheld and smirked.

"You guys are ignoring me again, you know what I'll be in the car," Renee concluded.

"Good for her. And you too," Jo insisted.

"Shut up! Don't forget you're walking on thin ice here!" I reminded.

We got in the car and left. Jo beat me to telling Renee about Donald; that right there was my undoing.

They stressed the issue a lot and made funny unnecessary comments so I let them have their fun.

We laughed our guts out. I was driving well but my attention was not on the road. The distraction took a toll on us and it was late by the time they decided to drop the topic. We had run several speed lights and were driving above the speed limit. There was a cop car on our tail.

We were alarmed but decided to stop. I took a right turn into an alley and parked, the police vehicle stopped behind us.

"What do we do?" Renee asked.

"Stay calm, I'll talk to him." Jo convinced. Whatever Jo had in mind was bound to be as cunning as she was but it was all we had.

We wound the glass down and prepared ourselves.

The officer appeared by Jo's door,
"Howdy people!"

"Oh hell naw!" I exclaimed. The plan would totally flop!

"Ellen, you seeing this?" Renee asked.


"It's a she!" she continued.

"Excuse me?" The officer asked.

"Nothing!" Renee rushed. "Jo, can you talk now?"

Jo finally spoke, "Hello Officer, how can we help you?"

"First, your driving doesn't agree with the speed limit and you jumped the lights. What were you thinking?" she chastised. "Can I have your papers?"

Jo took the file out of the glove compartment and handed it to her.
"Officer, we are deeply sorry for that. We just have somewhere to be right now we didn't spot the lights on time," Jo lied. That is a lame excuse if I was asked.

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