Lilly's LoveLife Case part 1

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(Lilly's POV)

I am sooo tired! I had friends round all night and I am now finally going to bed!
Bring!!! My phone goes off. It's spencer.
I answer it
"Lilly come to mine please I need to talk to you now"
A although I'm tired and need to sleep I agree. I'll just put lots of makeup on so he doesn't know I'm tired.

5 mins later

I walk into Spencer's apartment, "Spence?"
"I'm in here"
"Ok what is it u needed so desperately needed to talk to me about?"
"I got a call from an unknown number telling me if you don't meet him u know the consequences. I tried to find out who it was but whoever it was used a disposable cell so we can't track them so I need u to tell me and if someone tries to hurt u then I will get protection for u"
(Oh yeah me and spence r going out and all the team know as well)
"I can't tell u I'm sorry"
"I'm telling Hotch then"

The next day

I walk into work and spencer and JJ aren't in and Morgan is giving me very worried looks, Garcia gives an extra big hug and Rossi is just walked in so I don't think he knows what is going on so I guess spence told them about the call.

"Lilly, my office now!"
It was Hotch
"Yes?" I say as I walk into his office.

"What was the phone call about?" Hotch asks me
"I require an answer"
"It was my ex boyfriend and he has friends who help him... If I don't listen" I say in a rush. "Please don't tell anyone, especially Spencer" I am crying in fear, memories and bad thoughts of what he might do to me!
"Ok but u have to have some sort of protection"
"I have my gun but if u insist I will stay at Spencers" I am crying more now.
"Ok I won't tell anyone but I need his name"
"I can't I'm sorry" I cry and run out straight into the arms of Morgan who I collapse into crying!
Morgan sits me in a chair and looks at JJ (who must have arrived when I was in Hotches office) and JJ nods and heads towards a phone I guess she is calling Spence but I can't concentrate right now I am having visions of what that his gang did to me and I am sitting on a the floor in a ball rocking back and forth while Morgan and Garcia are trying to comfort me Rossi and JJ have gone to meet Spencer and Hotch is trying to get a free medic!
I'm causing a lot of drama but I am struggling to breathe, and I start choking on my tears and that makes me even more hysterical
Spencer and the medic finally arrive at the same time
I hear the medic say to spencer to hug me while he sedated me and gets me to a private office or room or somewhere where spencer can sit with me.
Spencer takes me into his arms and I feel sleepy and I slip into darkness.

I have dreams about what that gang are going to do to me if they get found out and I sit up suddenly with a jerk.
I see Spencer asleep in a chair next to me and Morgan runs towards me. I am in Hotches office in the corner on the sofa but Hotch is not there I start to panic....

(Morgans POV)

I see lLilly wake up, look around and start to panic so I run to her and I tell her everything is fine and to be quiet because Spencer hasn't slept for over 48 hours so he needs to rest.
"What happened?" Lilly asks me
So I explain it and tell her everyone else is at home and him and spence stayed, then she said she wanted to do something so I got her work and she sat in Hotches office and worked for a good 4 hours.

(Spencer's POV)
I wake up to see Lilly awake and working so I relax a little when I see her just happily sit there.

I ask her if she is finished and she says yes so I ask her if she wants to go home and she says yes.

On the way home Lilly is really quiet and seems to jump every time there is a sudden noise but I don't say anything.
Suddenly there is a gang in the street and Lilly turns her head away but I still don't say anything then they get in a car and start following us so I take us back to the BAU and tell Lilly to act normal and just walk straight to Morgan when we stop and I call Morgan in a stand by quickly

(Lilly's POV)
As soon as we pull up I get out and go straight to Morgan who is standing waiting for means we walk up to the office together. Hotch is waiting there standing with the case room door open and Morgan leads me into it followed by the whole team.
I guess we have a case but then realise Hotch wants to solve this case for me so I nod at him.

"We will be solving a case of Lilly's in our spare time and around cases." Hotch says
Everyone else nods
"Lilly u explain"hotchs says so I stand up and explain.
"When I was about 18 I had this boyfriend. When my family died in the fire I told him I needed to take a break because I needed to get my life back on track but when he heard this he wasn't impressed so he ordered his gang to get me."
"Because I knew what they were capable of I went with them quietly but what I didn't know as that he was gonna punish me for leaving him. They beat me and raped me until I learnt to do exactly what they wanted me to do. So I will sit down and answer any questions that might help find them but now they know I work here they r going to go to extremes to hide themselves." I say out of breath from talking so much.
"Ok let's go and we will start this tomorrow Lilly, Morgan and Savanna have agreed for us all to stay there so there is more of us to protect u if so something goes wrong." Hotch says.
"Let's go"morgan says with a serious look on his face.

To be continued.......................................

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