Hello Dr. Reid

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(JJ's POV)

Then we hear a groan.
We all turn around and look at Lilly but she seems to still be unconscious. Spencer sits on the side of her bed and holds her hand. He closes his eyes and puts his head down. I think he's crying. Hotch walks out and motions for us to do so to.
"Spence, we'll be outside if you need us." I say gently. He doesn't say or do anything. I walk out closing the door slowly.
(Spencer's POV)
I am holding her hand but I want her to be awake here with me. I cry silently and my tears fall on her hand. Then her hand closes around mine. I look up at her and she smiles at me.
"Lilly!!!" I sigh with happiness.
"Hello Dr. Reid" she says with a smile on her face.
Then she starts playing with my hand and looks at it. She doesn't look up.
"Lilly are you ok?" I ask gently.
"I don't know" she says looking at me with tears in her eyes.
"Hey" I say giving her a hug.
"Spencer can I have my phone?" She asks.
"Yeah let me get it." I say.
"Thanks Spence" she says wiping her tears away.
I go over to her bag of personal belongings and I get out her phone.
I give it to her and she unlocks it. She still had the one she smashed when her friend was held hostage outside our apartment. She doesn't care though. I think Garcia might have got her a new one for her birthday but she's till hasn't opened them. When she goes home we will sit together if she wants.
I study her face as she scrolls on her phone. Her expression is blank which means somethings wrong or she can control her feelings. She's good at that sometimes. I remember when we went on the train to the park for a picnic that time.
"Spencer?" She asks interrupting my train of thought (train lol) .
"Yeah?" I say.
"Can I have something to drink. It can be water even though I hate drinking water? I just really need a drink." She says. It sounds like she needs a drink.
"Of course. Do you want any of the others to come in?" I ask.
"Yeah I need to talk to Garcia and Hotch. Tell the others I will see them in a bit but I need to talk to the other two first. It's kinda important. " she says.
"Yeah be back when the others have visited." I say wondering what's so important.

I close the door and go find the others in the waiting room. They all look up when I enter. "Hotch? Can I talk to you please?" I say ignoring the stares I'm getting from everyone else.
"Yeah?" He gives me a questioning look.
"Is Garcia here yet?" I ask quietly.
"Yeah she went to get a drink. Why?" He answered returning the hush.
"Lilly says she needs to talk to you and Garcia urgently." I say.
"Ok I will get Garcia and go and see her. How is she?" He says.
"I think she's ok." I reply.
"Ok, how are you?" He asks.
"Hotch I'm fine just help Lilly!" I say.

(Hotch's POV)

I leave Reid and go and find Garcia. When I find her she is sitting on the floor against the wall with horror on her face.
I follow her gaze and see...

I'm really scared cos I don't know what's gonna happen next...lol

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