Lilly i love you

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(Spencer's POV)

I get out of bed and the first thing I notice is that Lilly isn't there like she said she would be.

This is odd especially bearing in mind what has happened recently.

Oh well!

I walk into the kitchen and I notice note on the fridge.

Its from Lilly, it reads : gone to work need to catch up and im doing urs too love lil xx.

Awwwwwww! I love her!

Then I go sit down on the sofa and I think about my mum.
She died and im so upset about it I'm not sleeping properly and Lilly is doing her best to look after me bless her. then I realise I have never actually taken her on a date!

I have decided I will take her on a date. tonight.

-time skip-

It is 3 o'clock and I text Lilly saying "hey, u want to go out lord? Xxx xx
And she said "that sounds really nice Thx xxxx Luv ya"

That's sorted.

I get my suit on and go and pick her up from Morgan's like she said in another one of her texts.
On the way I stop and buy her some roses.

When I get to Morgans house I get out the car and go and knock k. His front door and to my dismay, its Morgan who opens the door.
"Hey pretty boy. She's looking forward to your date you know"
"That's reassuring" I say.

Then Lilly comes down the stairs and she is in a really nice black and white butterfly dress with some black heels.

"Hey" she says coming to the door and kissing me.
"Hey, I got you these" I say when we have stopped kissing
She sniffs them and says "they're beautiful I love them!!!!"
"I love you" I say to her, "are you ready to go?"

(Lilly's POV)

"Are you ready to go" Spence asks me.
"yeah" I nod.

I hand the roses to Morgan to put in some water (I think that was really sweet of him).
We walk to the car and he opens my door for me.
"Thanks" I say smiling.

When we are in the car I ask "where are we going?"
"Its a surprise" is all he says.
I just smile and then I feel a pain in my abdomen where I got stabbed a few weeks ago. I hide the pain because Spence doesn't know about it.
Its fine I will go to the walk in center tomorrow when he is at work or something
Oh yeah he is having some time off to grieve for mother.
Oh well.

I can bear the pain.

We arrive and we both get out and he has driven to a really nice dinner place (its some sort of french rest Er aunt which I can't say)

We get a table with some candles and I realise how much effort has gone into this. he had a table booked already and some malibu ready for me because it is my favorite drink

We order some food and as we eat we talk about random stuff. Its quite fun but I keep getting sharp pains. I don't know how much longer I can bear it.
I will though, for him.

I managed to eat all my dinner but I didn't manage all of dessert
He paid and as we got upto leave I got a really bad pain and I groaned
"Are you ok?" Spencer asks concerned.
"Im fine I just stubbed my toe" I say convincingly
"Ok if your sure your ok..." He replies not entirely sure.
"Im fine" I say
"Ok lets go" he says and he drives me to his apartment where I have some clothes.
We get changed and I notice my wound looks like a scab that's about to bleed but I ignore it and walk into the bed room but fall over in pain and I put my hand to my wound and as I lift my hand I see there's blood. I try to hide it but I was to slow and he went into smart mode and called 999 (a/n. Im English so I am writing it as if they live in England) he layed me down as I was in so much pain and he stemmed the bleeding.
The paramedics arrived just as I passed out.........

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