Lillys lovecase part 4

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(Lilly's POV)

I drop the phone in shock.

I forgot my dad was dead!!!!!!!!!!!

I always called him when I was upset or something had happened or was going to happen to me and I've been out for so long I forgot I couldn't talk to him anymore.

I pick my phone up after a few minutes and I drive back to Morgans house
As I walk in I walk on to spencer
I look at his face once and then look down to the floor and shove past him and go straight to the bedroom.
As soon as I get to the bedroom I shut the door lean my back against it slide down hug my knees to my chest and cry.
So this is what grief feels like!
I cry for what feels like forever.
I haven't cried about my family before, after 10 years, this is the first time I cried in grief.

After my tears stop I sort myself out and walk out of the bedroom and I see Spencer sitting crossed legs on the floor against the wall next to the bedroom door.

"How long have you been there?" I ask
"1 hour 6 minutes and 34 seconds" he replies
Have I really been crying that long?!
"Are you ok now?" Spencer asks me.
"Erm................." I mutter "I guess so"
"We should go down and eat lunch, it's been ready for 25 minutes and-"
"I don't need to know the exact time" I cut him off

We walk downstairs holding hands and we get outside the kitchen door and I can hear JJ laughing.

I laugh at Morgan's face as he shoves some cake into to his mouth and can't chew it. Cause he put too much in
We all hear the door creak open and Lilly and Spencer walk in and as Lilly sits down Spencer nods at me.
Lilly sees I think and she asks Spencer about it
Spencer said that he was telling me that Lilly was ok and I understand.

I pass Lilly a plate and for theirs time since we've been here she looks happy.
She must be in a really good mood as she puts a mountain on her plate and she eats it all.

Morgan shoves more cake into his mouth and someone laughs and I turn round and its Lilly.
When we hear Lilly laugh we all join in.
Savanna looks really embarrassed and slaps Morgan on the back of his head with her hand and Lilly giggles.

(Spencer's POV)
Seeing Lilly happy makes me happy and when she laughs I feel comforted that she is ok.
When she eats everything I look at JJ and I nod towards the door and she gets up and leaves.

I follow her and we walk out to meet Hotch at the car.

"Why did you want us to meet you out here for?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, and why did you just want us 2?" JJ agrees.
"we need to start working out the answers " Hotchs replies.
"Lets go" I say hurriedly.
"ok JJs get everyone but savanna and Morgan downtown the station. Morgan and savanna need to stay with Lilly here" Hotch says looking at JJ?

I walk back into the house and I freeze.
As soon as Lilly is happy we have to ruin it. I feel bad but I have to do as Hotch says.

I walk into the kitchen and I look at Morgan who gets everyone's attention.
"erm guys everyone needs to go to the station except Morgan, Lilly and savanna." I say not looking at Lilly.
Then I look at her and she looks into my eyes and runs up to her room and slams the door...

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