The cold case

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(Hotch's POV)
I follow her gaze and I see 4 dead doctors. I look at Garcia again and notice that she has blood on her dress and on her hands.
"Garcia?" I say.
She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "yes sir? " she asks in a croaky voice.
"what happened?" I ask.
"I tried to save them. The..the unsub he he got away. Sir I'm so sorry I tried!!" she sobbed.
"ok Garcia. Let's go and find the others." I say.
We walk around the corner and the others jump up at the site of Garcia.
"OK we have a case. Rossi and JJ you can stay with Garcia and find out what happened, Morgan you can find out who the victims were. Reid get Lilly and come with me." I brief everyone and give them each a task. I know Lilly will want to work on the case so she might as well. There is no point arguing as she will probably win.
We walk to Lilly's room and Reid walks in first. Lilly is still in a hospital gown. "You need to get dressed and meet us outside" I say. She doesn't question it she just says "yes sir".

(Lilly's POV)
"Yes sir" I say. I don't question it.
They both walk out. Spencer looks a bit upset but I will question him later. I'm guessing we have a case.
When I first woke up he was happy but the past few days. He has been getting worse. I'll ask him as soon as I can.
I get up and put on some jeans that JJ brought in for me yesterday. Ever since we caught the unsub, the hospital has filled up again. I wonder what has happened and how bad it is out there.

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