Surprise part 3

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(Hotches POV)
I look at the man in the floor. I feel sorry for Lilly. As  usual I  don't show any emotions.
"Get up" I say sternly.
He gets up and walks up to Lilly and I point my gun at him.

"Your really pretty, did you know that?" he says to her. I tighten my grip on my gun and everyone else has their guns out and were pointing them at him.

The guy lifts his hand up to her face and strokes it. Lilly stands there and looks at him with a very calm attitude but I could see how awkward she is.

Then it all happens. It happens so quickly.

The guy quickly pulls his arm back and punches Lilly in the face and then every one leaps o him and he laughs.

Me and Reid run to Lilly who has been pushed back into the wall and has been knocked out.

Reid makes sure she can breathe and I check her head. there is a gaping wound there and there is blood everywhere. I look down and she has landed on the knife that was used to cut the cake that we had left on the table (it must have fallen off when she landed on it.)

Reid noticed and shouted for a medic while I to get here quickly or she is going to die.
She can't die. It wont just hurt Reid, it will hurt all of us. Stop thinking of that. Concentrate on Lilly.
I manage to stem the bleeding an the medics arrives and they take her to hospital and Reid and Morgan go. The rest of us go into the interview room where JJ put the man.
I sit down and Rossi stands behind me putting a hand on my shoulder almost telling me not to do anything stupid.
"What's your name?" I ask calmly.
"Now why would I reel you that?" He asks smiling at me.
"Because you might have killed Agent Knight and it's the least I can do to tell her boyfriend and the rest of my team who killed her." I say with anger.
He just looks at me with a smile on his face.
"You'd better hope she makes it. Killing a federal agent will be enough to get you on death row." I say.

(Morgan's POV)

I have never seen him so upset. He even more upset than when meave was killed.
He keeps the pacing the room crying and he keeps talking to himself. I sit here and watch him. Every time someone tries to talk to him he gets worse. She can't die. She's too young to die. She will hurt us all.

Then the rest of the team walk in. I look at JJ and I say "He won't let anyone near him." I look at Reid.
"Let me deal with him, just focus on finding out about Lilly" She says.
"Thanks!" I say.


I walk up to Spencer an grab his arms and make him face me. He tries to get away but I hold him tightly and look him in the face.
"Stop!" I say.
He looks at me but he shuts up.
"All this nonsense isn't going to held Lilly is it?!" I say.
He shakes his head and lays his head on my shoulder. I hug him back and I sit him on a chair.
I look at Morgan and I say "I will stay here with him if you guys want to go to sleep or something."

Time skip~5 hours

I look at everyone who is asleep on the chairs. Savannah came about an hour ago.
Lilly is still in surgery as far as we know.
Then a doctor walks in...

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