Guess whos back!?

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(Spencers POV)

"Hey kid!" Morgan says to me as I walk to my desk.
"Where's Lilly" I ask him
"In hotchs office with Hotch and Rossi" he says.
"Why" I ask curiously
He just shrugged and got on with his paper work.
Ok then, I didn't know because I didn't stay with her last night. I don't think she should be working with her nightmares and lack of sleep but Hotch says its fine so I will go with it.
After about 20 minutes Lilly comes out of his office.
She doesn't look at anyone but goes straight to Rossi's office with Rossi and Hotch gets the rest of the team to the conference room.

(Rossi's POV)

I go to my office with Lilly who is getting phone calls from Williams brother, Thomass (who was released from jail), again.
We need to find him but we have a case and we are letting Lilly help but right now because me and Lilly know the case details, I am waiting for her to calm down

(Lilly's POV)

We are all on the case and I am fine and everyone knows my current position but have been asked to act normally
"So do we know how he's choosing the victims yet" JJ asks
"No they appear to be random Spencer says.
"ok when we land, Morgan and Reid go to the latest crime scene, Rossi and JJ go to both the victims houses and me and Lilly will go to the station." Hotch says.

When we land me and Hotch go to the station and set up.
"I'll try and find a connection between the vics" I say to hotch.
"Ok im going to go and talk to the cheief he says walking away.
I sit there for 3 and a half hours and I don't find a single connection.
The rest of the team arrive and we all go to the hotel because it is getting really late.

We all check into the hotel and my room is in between Morgan's and Spencer's

As I'm laying in bed I can't sleep and so I look at the case files
Then I notice a connection.
It's the names.
All the initials are LICK
These are my initials: Lilly Isabella Charlotte Knight.
I decide I won't tell anyone and pretend I haven't noticed anything

(Spencer's POV)

I hear Lilly reading the case files and I decided to take a look myself
I notice a pattern and it is that all the victims have the same initials LICK.
OMG! Lily has those initials
I hear a noise of a struggle in Lilly's room and then Morgan knocking on Lilly's door
I run out and Morgan kicks down the door
Lilly is laying on the floor struggling to breathe and Thomas is laying dead on the floor next to her.
Lilly is struggling to stay conciliatory an the whole team are here now an I run to Lilly's side an try and stem the bleeding in her side
"I noticed the pattern" she said to me
"I know so did I then I ran in here" I sai through my tears
"I found out unsub. He wanted us here so he killed those other people so I would be on my own in a non suspicious place." she says "I love you, remember that" she says closing her eyes
"No Lilly stay with me" I say, "WHERES THAT MEDIC?!?!" I shout.
Finally the medic arrives and he pulse stops.
They shock her 3 times before her heart starts again.
They take her to the hospital and take her to emergency surgery and we are all waiting in the waiting room.
I am pacing the room 4 hours after she went into surgery and the doctor walks in.
"Her heart stopped many times but despite her injuries she should make a full recovery" he says "you can go and see her if you wish"
I run to her room and she looks like her normal self.

2 months later and Lilly I out of hospital and back at work.
Everything is going well until I get a phone call from my mum hospital.....

Criminal Minds FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora