You take the front I'll take the back

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(Lilly's POV)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think to myself (thinking its a case!).
I pick up my phone and Spencer makes me jump and I drop it
I pick it up with a look at Spencer and the screen is all cracked
Oh well.
It turns out to be an urgent message saying "meet me outside house asap" from my friend, so I say to Spencer that I need to go somewhere quickly.
I start to get worried because she never panics.
I grab my gun and put it in my coat pocket. Spencer gives me weird looks so I smile at him to reassure him and I go downstairs
As I look through the gap on the door I see a guy holding a gun to my friends head (my friends name is Caroline).
I quickly run upstairs to get Spencer and he goes round the back and I go round the front.
I walk out and look surprised
I nod at my friend to tell her everything will be ok
"So what's your name?" I ask the man.
"Mark" he says.
"Ok Mark I'll do you a deal." I say calmly, looking him in the eyes
"It depends what it is" he replies, relaxing when I don't get angry
"How about you let Caroline go and you can have me instead, you can use me as bait instead" I offer with a promising smile on my face.
"Ok" he says
"Ok" I reply
"Let her go and I'm all yours"
"I want you first"
"Ok how about a compromise"
"What?!?!" He replies shocked.
"As you grab one of my hands , at the same time you let one of hers gotten as you grab my other hand you let her other hand go and there is no arguments" I offer
"Ok" he says
"Ok" I nod smiling
When he has hold of one of my hands he is strong but when he has hold of both hands he relaxes.
"Ok now your in control" I say looking at him
"I have to protect you now" he says with tears in his eyes, "you're in danger"
"What am I in danger from?" i ask.
"I like baked beans" he said.
"I like them too" I say trying to build a relationship with him. "why did you want Caroline?" I ask.
"I want a friend and she said she would be my friends on the Twitter bird on the online." he says sadly.
Then he looks at me hopefully "will you be my friend?!"
"Yes how about we sit down and talk" I say.
He nods so we sit on the front lawn and he lets go of me and I don't move.
"do friends do friends thing?" He asks me.
"Yes they do things like talk about what they have been doing or where they have been"
"What do you do?" He asks me.
"I spend time with my other friends. Can him and Caroline come and be friends with us?" I ask looking at Spencer
"But your my friend" he says
"You can have lots of friends" I say
"Ok" he agrees so Spencer and Caroline come and sit with us so we are in a circle.
I sit next to Mark still and so does Spencer and then Caroline sits in between Spencer and me.
We all introduce ourselves and then I say "Lets play a game"
"Ok" they all agree
"The boys are going to have something on their hands and we are going for a car ride to find some more friends"
I put Spencer in handcuffs first to show Mark that they are not going to hurt him and then I put him in handcuffs
We go to the station where Spence told the team to meet us and we put him in a interview room and Morgan takes the handcuffs off Spencer
I run up to Spencer and hug him
"I was so scared so many things could have gone wrong!!!" I say with tears in my eyes.
"Hey look at me" he says "everyone is fine so stop worrying"
"Ok" I say turning to talk to the team
"right before anyone goes in there, you need him to know you are his friend and you want to do friends things."
Then we explain what happened.
"You two are not working this case now you are this involved." Hotchs says to me and Spence
"Ok" I say then me and Spence get in the lift to go down
The lift stops and we are stuck
After a couple of minutes I start to panic
"Spencer what of we can't get out what if we run out of oxygen and die..." I say pacing the lift quickly
"Stop" he says
I can't stop as I have really bad claustrophobia
"Spencer I can't breathe!!!!" I shout
"yes you can" Spencer looks helpless.
Then Morgan opens the door and I'm on the floor struggling to breathe
Morgan lifts me up and I pass out in his arms.

When I wake up I'm in my room (I stay with Morgan as I'm too scared to go anywhere else and sometimes Spence stays with me too).

I get up slowly and I walk out of the door quietly so no one can hear me. I walk down the hallway and down the stairs and I hear Morgan and Spencer in the kitchen and I hear Spencer crying saying that he's scared something is going to happen to me or himself and he won't be able to look after me.
I sit on the bottom step in shock. He cares about himself so he can help means make sure I'm ok.

I start to cry a little and he walks out and I don't hear him or Morgan and they both sit next to me and I sit there and let the tears fall silently then I look in his eyes.
"I love you" I say then I feel a heavy load on my lap and I turn to find out that Morgan has passed out on my shoulder.
"Woa, Morgan wake up!" I say looking at Spencer.
Spencer gets up and pulls Morgan off my lap so I can get up. I sit behind Morgan on the steps and hold his head so he doesn't get neck problems and then I look down on my lap an I see blood. Spencer has gone to the next room to call hotch and then as Spence says "hi hotch Margan has just ...."
"SPENCER!!!!!" I scream and he comes running in.
I point to Morgans stomach with my head and he sees there's blood
"Hotch Morgans got blood on his stomach call an ambulance while me and Lilly try and stem the bleeding" and hangs up the phone
He drops the phone and runs to me and Morgan.
I gently but quickly rest Morgans head against the stairs and I jump to Spencers side and lift Morgans shirt and we see he has a stab wound in his abdomen and it has reopened.
I run to the kitchen and grab about 5 tea towels and run back.
I put them on Derek's wound and put pressure on it. I am really scared about him.
Spencer runs out to meet the ambulance which has just arrived and when they get in the house they take him straight to the hospital.
All of a sudden I hear screams and I wake up to find its myself screaming and Spencer and Morgan are running towards me.
I get up and lift Morgans top and sigh.
Not a scratch!

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