Lillys Love Case Part 3

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(Lilly's POV)
"Bait" Rossi says with a sincere look on his face.
"That's a good idea but Spencer probably won't let me do that"
"He will if it means he can keep you safe." Rossi presses
"Ok I will tell the team in the morning but right now I need to sleep"
"Ok I will send Spencer up" Rossi says walking out

A few mins later Spencer walks in.
"Hey"i say to him and smile
"Well ur in a better mood" he says to me.
I'm already changed so I leave the room until he is changed and then I walk in and clamber into bed.
Spence gets in next to me and we lay back to back.
I fall asleep almost instantly and dream of the unsub coming to get me, they killed the rest of the team and were raping me when they stopped the tied me to a pole and started whipping me and...
I wake up screaming and spence puts his hand over my mouth to stop me waking everyone else up.
This makes me panic even more so I bite him and run, still thinking I'm in the dream.

Morgan catches me and I start screaming hysterically and savanna walks out and sedated me
Morgan lays me down in bed while savanna treats Spencer where I bit him and made him bleed.

I wake up and look around.
I feel really calm and relaxed.
I was in the living room on the sofa.
I stand up wrap the blanket over my shoulder and walk to the kitchen where everyone is sitting eating breakfast.
Well everyone but Morgan.
As I walk in Hotch notices me
"How you feeling?" He asks and everyone turns to look and smile reassuringly.
"Alright I guess" I say as I sit in the chair next to spencer.
"Where's Morgan?" I ask.
"He went to the office to pick up some paper work." Spencer says
"Oh damn!" I exclaim.
"What?" Rossi asks
"I need to take care of something" I say quickly getting up, grabbing a piece of toast and running upstairs
When I'm upstairs I get dressed eat the piece of toast and run back downstairs to a confused team.
"Hotch, I need to use a car!?" I ask in a begging tone.
"Ok!" He replies with a confused look
"Thank you" I say grabbing the keys and running out the door.

When I'm in the car I drive to work and I see Morgan is not there anymore.
I run inside run to my desk, pick up my iPhone which I left there the other day, I open it and dial a number.

Bring bring...
It rings seven times. I'm sorry but this number doesn't exist anymore.

Then I drop the phone in shock.

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