Lillys lovelife case part 2

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Continued from part one.

(Morgans POV)
"Let's go" I say looking at Lilly with a serious look.
I feel bad but I need to protect her.
Me and savanna agreed because she is a doctor so if something happens, which it won't, she can help.

We all get into our black SUVs and, with Lilly in the middle car with Hotch and Spencer, JJ and me in front of them and Rossi, Garcia and Savanna at the back, we set off.

(Spencer's POV)

I sit next to Lilly and she just sits there looking out of the window staring at the rain.
She doesn't look scared or embarrassed she doesn't look anything to be honest, but then Lilly is good at hiding her feelings.

(Lilly's POV)

I feel Spence watching me so I look out of the window and watch the rain to keep myself occupied.

We approach Morgan and Savannahs massive house and as soon as the car stops I get straight out and cross the road away from the house, Spencer gets out to bring me back but hotch puts his arm in the way to stop him
"Just leave her, we are all here just let her be free." Hotch says to him and Spencer sighs

I keep walking onto the field that is opposite Morgan's house I sit down onto the grass I the middle and I cry
I cry out of fear, I cry out of loss and I cry out of fear of the future.
Spencer finally walks into the house as they now know I'm safe with police patrolling the area no one can get through without good reason and no one knows I'm here so I just sit there.

I am not out there long but Spencer comes over to me and lifts me to my feet and hugs me we then start to kiss, we kiss for what seems like forever but we stood there just the two of us kissing in the rain. When we stopped kissing we walk back to the house where Savanna and Garcia are waiting for us with towels

Garcia hands me a towel and hugs me then when Savanna has given a towel to Spencer, she hugs me too.
"I promise to keep you safe in anyway I can" Savanna promises
"Thanks" I whisper back, "I really appreciate it"

After I had got changed, we all sat down for tea.
The tea was a help yourself type tea so I grabbed a plate and ate half a scone
"You need to eat something else as well as that" Spencer says to me
"I'm not hungry" I replied
Spencer grabs a slice of sponge cake and cuts it in half and gives me half and eats the other half
"Eat it or you won't help with the case" I look up and see its Savanna saying it.
"Fine" I sigh.

After I've finished the cake I get up and walk to the room I am staying in with spencer and I shut the door.
I hear someone knock so I get up and open the door its Rossi so I let him in "please feel free to sit" I say to him.
"Tell me what's wrong and don't tell me there's nothing because I am a fully qualified profiler and you usually won't get up and just leave like that, so I know something's wrong!" He says to me

"I'm scared!" I say looking at him with tears in my eyes.
"We are doing everything we can, but if you have an idea of his tactics it would help us." Rossi said.
"He hasn't really got any tactics and he wont give himself up until I'm on my own" I say
"Bait" Rossi says

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