"I know what its like to be afraid of your own mind"

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(JJ's POV)

Then a doctor walks in.
I stand up and walk to him.
"Any news?!" I say.
"She's out of surgery. But we don't know how she's gonna be. There was a crack in her skull but we can't be certain it didn't damage her brain." he says looking at me.
"Ok" I say with tears in my eyes.
The doctor walks away and I collapse silently to the floor. I just sit on the floor for a while when I see Spence sit down next to me.
"Is it bad?" he asks me with scared eyes.
"She's out of surgery. There was a crack in her skull but it might have damaged her brain. He said he's not certain." I say looking at him.
He just looks down.
"I will go find out when we can see her." I say looking away.
"Thanks" he says gloomily.

I walk away without looking at him. I walk up to the doctor and I ask if we can see her. He says yes but to be careful. He tells me where the room is.
I swear I recognise him from somewhere. Oh well. I ignore it.

I half run back to Reid and others to be awake and looking gloomy.
"We can go see her." I say to them all. They all jump up really quickly and follow me.

I lead them towards the room the doctor told me and then I realised it wasn't her room. I got my gun out an the others copied. I walked back to the waiting room with the others following confused. "JJ what are you doing?" Morgan asks.
"I don't trust the doctors. They gave me the wrong room. They didn't give me a lot of information on her and I recognise him." I say.
"Ok what do you want to do?" I hear Hotch ask.
"I don't know." I say. "First we need to find Lilly to make sure she's ok. Then we need to find the doctor."
I hear lots of murmur of agreement behind me as I walk low past every room peeping inside to see if Lilly is in there. I'm really creeped out because every room I pass is empty. I have a really bad feeling. I come to the last room and I look inside. I quickly duck down and motion for the others to do so. I quickly go to the other side of the door and I nod my head towards the door so Morgan can push it open.
Morgan opens the door and we all rush in holding our guns up. There is the doctor holding a gun to Lilly's head.
"Put down your weapons and no one has to get hurt." He says calmly.
I hear Spence put down his gun and he says "Me for her."
He's been in this situation before and he's not going to lose this time.
"Nice offer and I might accept it but not everyone has their gun on the floor" the doctor says.

He turns round to me. He looks at me with pleading eyes.
Everyone else has their guns on the floor except Hotch and myself.
"I refuse to give in to him." I say. I walk over to spencer and grab him round his neck and hold the gun to his head. He knows exactly what I'm doing and is playing along with it. Also Hotch catches on to what we are doing.
He walked up to an unconscious Lilly and points his gun to her forehead.
"You want one of them. You can't have either of them unless you put your fun down" I say.
"What are you playing at?" he asks.
"We will shoot them both in 3-2-..." He puts his gun down quickly. Morgan finally gets the idea and jumps on him as he tries to run. We got him.
I release Spence.
"Sorry. I wasn't thinking right" I say.
"That's ok. I knew either of you wouldn't shoot." he says.
Then we hear a groan.

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