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(Lilly's POV)

Im out of hospital and im sitting at my desk when Spencer gets a phone call.
"Hello who is this?" He asks then waits
"WHY WASN'T I NOTIFIED?!?!" he half shouts. "I..I.." "Ok sorry bye"
He throws his phone onto the desk and I approach him and grab his phone and see who the call was from and it was an unknown number.
Spencer grabbed the phone off me and his bag and stomp ed out of the building knocking case files out of JJs hands. I go to go after him but Hotch stops me.

I sit back down and finish my work.
Spencer walks in with bleeding knuckles so me and Morgan rush up to him.
"What the hell happened?!?!" I ask him
"I punched a wall" he answers
"Before that" I say
"I got a phone call and my mum has died" he says crying
I pull him into a hug and let him cry onto my shoulder
"Come on lets go home" I say soI take him home and he goes to bed.

~sorry its not long, I have an English mock on Thursday but I wanted to update for anyone who actually cares~

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